Arc 2: Kingdom Goddess - Chapter 72

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Once Timothy had stepped through the portal he found himself once again inside the absolutely immense castle that was Jenna's domain. The walls went up into the sky in all directions with furniture that absolutely boggled the mind in its scale. Jenna had stopped immediately upon entering and stood there with her arms crossed over her chest, her mind clearly deep in thought.

"So..." Jenna said calmly.

Timothy gulped in a bit of nervousness as he waited for her to continue. When she didn't he spoke next.

"So... What is going on with you goddess? Who is taking over your body when your eyes glow like that?"

Jenna sighed and shook her head, dropping her arms to her sides with her left hand on the hip.

"It- Its not like that Timmy." She said with a wisp of sadness in her voice. "No one's 'taking over' my body. It's just me." There was a pause. "It's hard to explain."

Timothy lowered himself down onto his knees in front of Jenna. Even though she was an all powerful goddess she was still in the body of a small child. Now on his knees his face was level with hers. There was great concern in his eyes as he was worried for her safety. Whatever this was her hesitation to tell him was somehow worse.

"Please goddess." He said. "Please tell me."

Jenna shook her head again and finally looked up into Timothy's eyes. There was a seriousness in her face but not a hint of fear or concern.

"Well its like this." She started. "There is- well another me inside me." Her left hand lifted up and waved in the air. "I'm sure you're aware how your thoughts work and whatnot. Basically all my thoughts deep inside my mind were manifested and sort of can take over my body." She paused. "When I give them permission anyway." Then after waiting for Timothy's reaction she continued. "I'm calling her 'Sub-chan' because she's my subconscious. She won't do anything I wouldn't do, but she sort of does the things I really want to do deep in my heart but normally don't. Does that make sense?" She finished tilting her head.

Timothy looked up and down the little girl's body in confusion as his mind processed all this. It made sense to him how this possession worked but it was so confusing thinking there were two Jenna's inside his goddess's body. He had heard of people having more than one personality and it was a sign of insanity. Perhaps this was just one of those goddess things humans couldn't understand.

After a few moments of thought he decided to accept this new reality about his goddess. Whatever this was it wasn't going anywhere and clearly Jenna was in control of it, at least for the most part. It wasn't a big concern for her anyway which meant if she wasn't worried he wouldn't be either. With a deep sigh he stood up again, towering over the goddess who normally barely saw him on the floor at her feet.

"I suppose if this other you really won't do anything you wouldn't do." He said with a hint of sadness in his voice. He did crack a small smile however. "I guess that means you really wanted to burn that man to a crisp didn't you?"

Jenna blushed in embarrassment and lifted her left hand to brush some hair out of her face. Her eyes looked down at the ground for a moment.

"I mean yeah." She said with a slight smile herself. "But I wouldn't kill him alright? She just... I just... Was so angry and wanted to teach him a lesson. She- I mean I am sure he'll be ok."

Timothy shook his head and finally relaxed. It seemed there was no true danger here after all. Whatever this other goddess was inside her had certainly been dangerous before, the mansion in flames coming to mind as a bad memory. However she had clearly worked out that rage in some way and had full control of herself even during her bouts of fury, the fact she was so reserved in the hallway just now even under its influence being proof to that.

My New Life As A Kid Goddess: Book 3 - Kingdom Goddess Arc 2Where stories live. Discover now