Arc 2: Kingdom Goddess - Chapter 46

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Even though it was still only morning the activity around the festival grounds was quite high. These kinds of things were major events after all and broke up the practical monotony of daily life in this type of time period. I mean if I wasn't a goddess I would have been bored out of my mind showing up in this world. Thankfully I suppose for both myself and others I was given this gift instead of someone else.

As I followed the courier it was brought to my attention that it was quite quiet these days inside myself. Ever since Miya was killed I had grown accustom to having someone else inside my head with me. Now she spent more and more time assisting Sub-chan with the answering of prayers, something I had suggested and she agreed to.

Having all this power really was making me distant from my humanity and so her input would help keep things from going horribly awry, at least that was my hope. But because of this work she interjected in the active goings on less and was back to sleeping regularly. Hopefully I could get her back into her own body soon.

Soon the inside of the jousting arena came into view as I walked under one of the seating constructions. It was comparable to a small town football field I'd wager with the stands being able to sit around two thousand people. While that might seem like not much really for this time period it was quite a lot. The dirt jousting area had fences on either side and the large dividing elevated log in the middle.

The place I was going to sit was the VIP stand where the important or rich sat. It was as tall as the highest normal seats and was covered to keep the sun or weather off of you. It also had the added benefit of being near the temporary stables where the horses and contestants would prepare themselves. This is considered a benefit not because of the smell that might waft from it but because it allowed the fancy people to rub shoulders with the contestants, many of whom they probably knew.

There were already a lot of people in the stands even though the event still had an hour or so to start. Their reactions to seeing me walking down here were mixed between several options: some were happy to see me and waved, others were afraid to see me, and still others just didn't know who I was at all. None of these reactions bothered me and honestly it made me embarrassed being out here in public like this.

I hurried forward past the courier and waved back at him while speedwalking.

"Thanks for the escort. I'll take it from here!"

The man looked shocked and raised his right hand.

"Wait! I-"

He then realized who he was talking to and decided to stop walking. There was no reason to expect me to follow human procedure he supposed so there's no reason to endanger himself trying to enforce it.

With my escort standing in solemn defeat I was clear to jog up to the staircase of the high society stand. It was made of wood and had a nice handrail to assist in climbing, but I didn't need it and acceded two steps at a time. In a matter of moments I found myself at the top of the structure and overlooking the entire little stadium. We were probably around thirty feet in the air.

The outside view wasn't the immediate thing I looked at however as the first thing I did was look around to see who and what was up here. This nobility seating was as expected fancy for the period with small tables and padded chairs. There was also small platters of food and bottles of wine as well for those that wanted to snack or wine it up while watching.

As far as the people who were here of course there were many people I didn't recognize or care to know. Various lords and ladies of the king's court and from the provinces around the kingdom were here but I didn't really like them. There were a couple mages here too and they gave me shifty looks.

My New Life As A Kid Goddess: Book 3 - Kingdom Goddess Arc 2Where stories live. Discover now