Arc 2: Kingdom Goddess - Chapter 80

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While I engulfed in the ever tightening bundle of magic chains the lich Barthenor stood to his feet at the edge of the circle. He had clearly suffered a great deal of damage despite his magical protections and his robes were singed. Even with this however he had an air of tentative confidence about him. If his skeletal face had possessed the ability to show emotion it would have been displaying a certain level of smugness. It didn't however so this was conveyed instead through the limited body language his bones allowed.

Barthenor's jaw opened again and the magic mouth made sounds for speech.

"It's good you possess the same idiom of the rest of your kind." He said while leaning on a nearby statue for support. "While this glyph has never been tested it should hold you at least for a while."

I gritted my teeth and struggled lightly in the twisting chains. There were clear weak points and I was saving up my strength for a single burst to free myself. While the mana drain was bad it wasn't nearly enough considering how many fervent worshipers I had. I glared out at the lich and had a smirk on my face despite the situation.

"Think you've got me then?" I taunted. "Well you- ugh... Haven't!"

After spending a few more moments leaning on the stature Barthenor finally found the strength to stand up fully. His eyed me with emotionless eyes of light and took a couple steps closer.

"I believe I have." He said very matter of factually. "It was only a matter of time before your kind plagued us on the surface again. Not content with everything you've taken from us? From me?"

The surface? What was he talking about? I'd have to keep him talking willingly like this for a bit longer before I bust out and force him to talk. I decided to taunt him and ask a probing question at the same time.

I smirked very smugly and tensed against the chains. It had the intended effect of making him take a step back in nervousness.

"Yeah you know I can't give up having an adoring public!" I replied. "And I know you don't drink enough milk to stop me!"

Barthenor looked very confused for a moment and even tilted his head slightly.

"Milk?" He asked. "What does that have to do with this?"

With a half fake laugh I squirmed around again.

"I'd think you of all people would- ugh." I grunted. "That milk contains calcium." My voice was escalating in volume. "And calcium builds strong bones!" I shouted.

Clearly baffled by my statement and general lack of concern for my own well being Barthenor took another step forward towards me. It was clear he believed his trap was working and so he was becoming slightly more curious. A word which here means he was dropping his guard.

"Has the glyph caused you to-" He started to say.

No sooner than he had begun speaking did I make my move. Suddenly I went completely still, hovering in the air in the middle of the moving chains. My face was devoid of emotion and both of my eyes were glowing brightly. Then with a monotone voice I spoke firmly and loudly.

"I cast flare."

There was an odd silence that fell upon the courtyard as I finished speaking. Not because sound itself had been suppressed but rather that everything happened so quickly and there was now an overwhelming sound that drowned out all others.

The look on Barthenor's face was one of clear shock and fear even without skin as he started stumbling backwards after I had spoke, though it barely took a step before my magic was made manifest.

My New Life As A Kid Goddess: Book 3 - Kingdom Goddess Arc 2Where stories live. Discover now