Arc 2: Kingdom Goddess - Chapter 95

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Deep snow continued to fall as chunky flakes in the vast alpine forest. Everywhere you looked the world was covered with a thick layer of white powder that chilled you to the bone. There was nary an animal in sight with the rare sighting of wildlife marking a special occasion. Hunting in this environment certainly wasn't easy, especially with the wolves seeking the same prey. Thankfully however this wasn't the reason we were up here on the side of the mountain today.

A long time ago, around a full year now, I had promised my close friends the Deuiden family that I would teach them about skiing. They were well aware of how sleds were used as they used them extensively in the winter months for transporting things like firewood and food. The concept of skis however was something nobody around here had any real reason to think of. Their invention was more inclined to happen in areas with longer exposure to snow after all. Snow shoes were something these people were aware of but even those were not widespread.

It was a wonderful winter day up here on the forested slopes of the Henjuk Mountains. Or at least as pleasant as being out in the wilderness among the bitter cold snowdrifts could be. The inherit dangers of such an environment was completely negated by the fact there was an actual goddess around though so safety wasn't actually a concern. Our little group was composed of myself, Miya, Elentra, Duncan, and Tromly. They were all wearing suitable clothing and had small meals packed away with transportation to and from this remote local being handled by me.

We trudged up another small hill and through a small patch of bushes until the actual slopes of the mountain proper came into view. They were truly a wondrous sight and made us all stop to take it in. Just vast blank ridges covered in white that were only interrupted by small cliffs and sparse trees. This was the perfect place to practice with skis as it wasn't too steep and we could pick out short slopes that ended safely at the entrance to the actual forest.

This location was also important as when people are learning how to ski they are going to fall down quite a lot. You want to have the lessons in a place that is safe enough for that kind of thing. Here there were no trees to smash into and not many sharp rocks to poke up out of the snow. Even though I could just heal any injury instantly its much preferable for them not to go through the pain at all. These were my friends after all.

As the family of humans finished gawking at the pretty landscape of the mountainside I turned to see Miya walking up to me. Like the rest of them she was in heavy boots but her thick fur coat was lined with special fur tufts. She looked quite cute all things considered and now that she was becoming more well known in the kingdom there would be no end to her suitors.

"Hey Jenna?" Miya asked with a questioning tone. "Are you sure this a good place for this? It just seems so empty."

I giggled a little and turned around with a smile on my face.

"That's exactly why its a good place silly! Nothing to run into!" I turned to look at the rest of her family. "We can end up going quite fast and you don't want to hit anything at those speeds."

Tromly was only slightly taller than I was so he was struggling to get through the snowdrifts at times. He was firmly refusing to be carried by his father though as he wanted to prove himself a man by toughing it. Normally he wouldn't have been able to make it this far due to being tired out but he was sneakily following directly behind me. As a goddess my strength allowed me to just plow through the snow and left small trenches for him to travel through.

Seeing me come to a stop Tromly did as well, mostly to avoid having to force his own trench out. He had also been staring at the vast mountainside with awe.

"Its so huge!" He gasped. "Even bigger than you are goddess!"

Elentra sighed and smiled. She had been following in her husband's footsteps but came to a stop next to her son.

My New Life As A Kid Goddess: Book 3 - Kingdom Goddess Arc 2Where stories live. Discover now