Arc 2: Kingdom Goddess - Chapter 70

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It was another normal day for the citizens if Norlov, something that Timothy had begun to be slightly jealous of as of late. Not that he was angry about his new lot in life, far from it, but more towards the fact that he would probably never know true peace again. Ever since becoming the high priest of a goddess people came to him to solve their problems all the time. While he did his best he wasn't sure he was up for the task. Living in the capital of the kingdom meant that there was no end to the people seeking him out at the temple, and even more came from all over the land on pilgrimages everyday.

There was also his fairy companion, someone that was more thrust upon him than willingly associated with. He didn't mind Salferia all too much, having crazy magical girls in his life seemed to be the new normal after all. But she did get a bit too mean sometimes and he worried about her lashing out with magic at random humans. Yes the goddess had put in place rules for her, more so a threat, but even that couldn't stop her from pulling pranks sometimes. Non-dangerous ones of course, but that could change at any moment.

Today however was another day where the goddess Jenna herself would be involved with affairs. There was to be a meeting at the castle about the state of growing monster attacks throughout the kingdom. There seemed to be an undead plague of sorts proliferating the northern and western provinces, something that the kind seemed to think a goddess should already have handled. Timothy didn't know that much about it himself but it sounded scary. His fairy friend upon hearing the news seemed more angry and knew little about such terrible magic.

At the moment Timothy and Salferia had just finished arriving at Castle Korchock where the meeting was to take place. Jenna was already here somewhere probably and Timothy didn't want to be too far behind her. He was far from late as the meeting was to happen during midday, but it still made it feel awkward to show up after everyone else had.

Salferia was currently sitting on Timothy's right shoulder, her purple pigtails swishing behind her as she bobbed up and down. She made a habit of riding around on top of her human companion regularly as it allowed her to be extra lazy. Though she'd never admit it there was a part of her that liked the idea of being carried around like a damsel, that concept being even in fairy society. To make up for her embarrassment she often called Timothy her beast of burden.

As they both traveled through the castle with their guard escort Salferia sighed and poked at her transport's neck. She was still in her usual exploring outfit.

"I think its stupid how humans can't even solve their own problems." She said snidely.

Timothy did his best to ignore the verbal and physical prodding of the fairy when he answered. He knew what she was truly commenting on.

"There are many terrible things in the world." He replied. "Some things too dangerous for humans to handle alone. There's nothing wrong with asking for help, especially from a goddess who loves us."

The fairy sighed and stopped her attack, instead swinging her legs in the air.

"I suppose. You'd never catch my kind stooping that low though."

For the rest of the walk through the castle the two of them stayed mostly silent, the guard who was escorting them leading the way. Timothy was lost in thought, his mind wandering to topics such as fairies and fairy society. Salferia was loathe to speak much about where she came from, something to be expected of a fairy. However there were times she let slip things here and there, usually when insulting humans in some manner.

They eventually reached the main meeting room of the castle where the guard stopped. There was another pair of guards standing by the door and they quickly exchanged information. It seemed the goddess and crown prince were already inside the room. The others hadn't arrived yet, namely the head mage and one of the advisors.

My New Life As A Kid Goddess: Book 3 - Kingdom Goddess Arc 2Where stories live. Discover now