Arc 2: Kingdom Goddess - Chapter 75

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With the first week of winter upon the world everything around Norlov reflected the solemnity of the season. Gone were the bright sunny days, here were long skies of gray with overcast clouds. The last of the warmth seemed to have been drained from the very air itself with chilly fog and icy gusts scattering about the whatever floated. Even the frost was beginning to become more serious and formations of ice were common in the places water gathered.

Jagger walked down the streets of the great capital, his armor heavily padded with wool in order to keep out the cold air. He had only a day before visited the royal family alongside the goddess herself. Just having the memory of the events made him wonder what was real or false in this day and age. Truly these were wild times that he would dine with the king himself and speak with an actual goddess of yore.

The painful memory of his near death due to poison was also heavy on his mind. If a literal goddess hadn't been there and saved him he would have died that very night. What troubled his thoughts more however was the fact someone had been foolish enough to attempt poisoning a goddess in the first place. To be honest he had no idea the true capabilities of a goddess but it seemed only logical that poison, at least of the mundane verities, would be useless against them.

These thoughts and worries would have to wait for another time as he now had a true mission to accomplish, one that had been given to him by Goddess Jenna herself. It was entrusted to him, the champion of the goddess, to go out into the western provinces and discover where these undead were coming from. As a former errant knight such journeys were easy for him, though the use of magic was not. That is why he was going to visit the only other user of divine magic: the high priest Timothy Ukell.

Thus Jagger found himself walking across the square and up to The Grand Temple of the Sisterhood, a marvelous masterwork of masonry if ever there had been one. It was within this epic building that the high priest spent most of his days performing the worldly works of the goddess's will. Soup kitchens for the poor, educational seminars, and even martial training were among the things offered to the public. All of it being paid for with donations from both the common folk and some rich benefactors as well.

Jagger understood the reasoning of Goddess Jenna to have all of this performed by human hands. Indeed as she had told him before if she solved all the problems all the time no one would know how to care for themselves. Personally he felt that such an outlook was somewhat self-defeating, as the less the people needed a goddess the less they would worship her. Goddess Jenna seemed unconvinced however and while she said she didn't care one way or another it was clear she did.

With such thoughts forefront in his mind he walked up the steps of the temple and through the main doors. According to what he had heard the main doors were always open in order to welcome everyone at all times. He found that quite like his goddess as he approached the main desk in the entrance hall. There was a young woman with long dark orange hair standing there and answering questions. Hopefully she could help him find Timothy.

"Excuse me young miss." Jagger asked approaching her. "I was hoping you could help me find the high priest." He then bowed. "My name is Jagger Nalark, the champion of Goddess Jenna."

The young woman smiled and gave a half bow in return. She looked quite impressed and even slightly nervous.

"Hello Sir Nalark!" She replied. "It's a pleasure to meet you! Anyone who Goddess Jenna has chosen as her martial champion surely must be impressive! My name is Maisy and I'm just a clerk here at the temple. Though I do know Timothy and can send from him right away!"

Jagger nodded. "Thank you Miss Maisy. I've met the high priest once before so he should remember me I hope."

"Not a problem!" Maisy replied with a smile. "Just one moment."

My New Life As A Kid Goddess: Book 3 - Kingdom Goddess Arc 2Where stories live. Discover now