Arc 2: Kingdom Goddess - Chapter 68

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Early morning mists hung over the buildings of Vindenne, the city slowly waking up as the chilly air permeated every home. Deep in the heart of the city at the edge of the business sector the in progress school was coming along nicely. Despite the concerns for how long such a project would take it turned out having the primary architect on site, as well as a goddess, did wonders in speeding the process up. The new building was not the focus of today however as instead there was something to be done in the small hut erected on the building site.

This hut was about the size of castle bedroom and was built from solid slabs of stone, the obvious work of magic. Inside there was a small fireplace in which a small fire was burning below a very small chimney. The furniture consisted of a single wooden table with several chairs, all very plain to look at. On the far wall there stood a large slab of black slate which had been cut to an incredibly thin margin, perhaps only half an inch. Various small chalks and a thick brush sat on a small cup on the tiny table before it. There was also a single small stool that stood there as well.

Standing on this stool was of course me, the teacher of teachers in this wild kingdom of scientific drought. I had swapped out my normal outfit for a cute little suit and tie combo, a long skirt, and long stockings all in cerulean. My hair was tied back into a ponytail using my galaxy hairpin and I even wore a pair of fancy glasses. All of this to make myself truly look the part of know it all teacher.

My students today were the four adults that had been chosen to be teachers themselves: Bachous, Fayio, Caston, and Adva. They were all sitting at the table in front of me while I stood on the stool at the chalkboard. Of course they were well learned enough to do basic teaching but today they were here to learn some more specific stuff. Who better was there to learn from than the goddess herself?

Today's subject was on biology, specifically the immune system and blood in general as well. These were important topics for anyone to know about as hygiene in general in this world was severely lacking compared to where I was from. This little class was also helpful in distracting me from the situation with the visitor from a few days before.

Yes that hero type from Pheoa was indeed from where he said he was and thankfully sending him to Quarely was a good move on my part. My lord friend was quite upset with me because of the treatment I had given what amounts to a foreign dignitary. Thankfully his diplomatic skills were able to smooth things over for the most part, though the attitude of the local goddess certainly wasn't seen as a positive to that arrogant knight.

Adva noticed me lost in thought and raised her hand timidly.

"Um... Goddess?"

Her voice snapped me back to reality and my eyes instantly snapped up and onto her. This caused the poor woman to jump with a start. I smiled to help ease her nerves.

"Oh. Sorry about that everyone." I said quickly. "Now where was I?"

The oldest one of my students Caston sat back in his chair and crossed his arms over his chest. His perfectionist personality was once again making him frustrated with my methods. He said nothing to that effect however as he wasn't about to question the goddess. He did however remind me of the current topic in his deep voice.

"You were just beginning our lecture it seemed goddess." He said half trying to hide his frustrations. "So far you had told us how blood carries things around the body such as air and nutrients."

I clapped my hands together in realization.

"Ah!" I exclaimed. "Thank you!"

With the flick of my wrists two of my books whirled into existence on the ends of the flowing blue ribbons around my waist. The books opened and displayed diagrams of red blood cells and platelets in a vein. There was also a picture showing more detailed examples of them.

My New Life As A Kid Goddess: Book 3 - Kingdom Goddess Arc 2Where stories live. Discover now