Arc 2: Kingdom Goddess - Chapter 79

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Fire burned in the dark pupils of my eyes in stark contrast to the chilling air that swirled around me. There in the center of my fist the vampire woman still struggled in vain against the overwhelming strength of my hand. She and whoever was directing her had already caused enough trouble in the world and threatened to cause widespread disaster with their undead armies. It was obvious Neske wasn't going to give up her collaborators willingly and thus I was forced to use my powers to invade her privacy.

After taking a deep breath and exhaling it as a deep sigh I closed my eyes. Once sufficiently calmed I focused my attention onto the tiny woman in the palm of my hand. With my power it was simple enough to force myself into her mind and read her thoughts. Like everyone else that I used this on before she was completely unaware of what I was doing, her anger still burning as she tried desperately to free herself. Thus I was able to glean the thoughts and memories closest to the surface of her mind.

It was difficult to see her mind clearly due to her searing hatred clouding her thoughts as in flames and smoke. However it was clear that the one she called master was the very Barthenor of ancient times: The Demon Mage of Henjuk. Her love and loyalty for him was fanatical and I didn't look any deeper into him, instead searching for where he might live. It was something she was thinking about herself and so was easily found. She really didn't want me to know that he lived in a castle in the southern end of the Henjuk Mountains.

A smirk came to my face as I came to realize my destination, the memories of my captive showing me the way to its location. Now all I'd have to do is secure her and travel there to confront this mage. Even though he was powerful he'd be no match for a goddess. He was also some kind of undead like Neske was according to her memories, likely a vampire as well. Vampires did enjoy making more of their kind so it only made sense.

With my free hand I reached to my hair and plucked a single strand free with a wince. I then opened my palm and quickly pinned the woman down with one of my fingers. My expression was one of smug satisfaction as I looked down at her.

"Looks like I'll be paying your master a visit in his castle." I sneered. "And you'll be coming with!"

Neske howled in rage and began thrashing about as she glared up at my face with true hatred in her eyes.

"You'll never find him you piece of shit!" She screamed. "I'll never give you what you want!"

Quickly I brought my strand of hair to bear on the tiny woman and wrapped her up like a spider preparing its prey for mealtime. Due to my ultra magical nature the simple hair was enough to completely bind her in holy power. It didn't hurt her but it was clearly more effective than any magical rope or chain could ever hope to be. Once it was done I moved my other hand away and smiled down at her a bit more pleasantly.

"Oh but you've already told me everything I want to know!" I replied while pressing my finger to my chin. "Be a good girl and come along now."

In but a single moment I shrunk myself down into my human size, my body reducing into place high up in the air. As this happened I simultaneously ignited the jets of flame on both my feet and right hand, leaving my left hand free to grasp at my own hair wrapped around Neske's wrists like handcuffs. With prisoner in hand I then blasted off into the sky and towards me destination.

At this point the vampiress was strangely silent, my flight trajectory clearly displaying to her that I did in fact know where I was going. Either she saw no point in trying to dissuade me due to a feeling of defeat or she had realized that the wind rushing past our heads would make it difficult for us to hear each other. She wouldn't have any idea just how good my hearing was a goddess and that I'd be able to hear her just fine.

My New Life As A Kid Goddess: Book 3 - Kingdom Goddess Arc 2Where stories live. Discover now