Arc 2: Kingdom Goddess - Chapter 49

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With the situation calmed down for the time being everyone had transitioned into a state of tentative worry instead of objective fear. Now that the goddess was here and in charge of everything the humans were mostly at ease. The werewolves however were still filled with fear for the most part for the same reasons. Autumn's chilly night air reflected the chill in their hearts as they waited to see their ultimate fate.

The de-facto leader of the werewolves was this Markku and after he had checked in on his people I summoned him over to me again. From the human village I had called for their leader of sorts: a man by the name of Alard Resputen. He was in his forties with short black hair, orange eyes, and fair skin. Pretty average looking too. A couple of the villagers tagged along with him, mainly the watchmen which included Jeppe. They all stood there shivering in the cold, something the werewolves didn't suffer it seemed.

As a goddess I only felt the cold of the night in the superficial sense, not actually being harmed by temperatures in any way. I could see how cold everyone else was though and let out a long sigh. With the flick of my fingers I ignited a large fire several feet behind me. It roared to life by the power of magic, its light and warmth filling the darkness.

I then summoned up a chair from the ground by molding the earth and mixing in vines. It was a regal looking throne on which I sat my little bottom and crossed my left leg over the other. Now more comfortable I decided to start out the discussion with a bit of hospitality. People are more agreeable when they've had their basic needs met of course.

With several more hand movements I summoned four flagons of spicy ale and they hovered in the air before me. They were quite hot with steam coming out and into the air, the light of the fire making it look like smoke. One of them floated over to me and I took it out the air, lifting it to my lips and taking a nice sip. I then looked up at the others.

"Do you want some?" I asked.

The other flagons hovered closer to the two men and wolfman as I looked up at them over the rim of my own. Both Jeppe and Alard took one and shyly gave a sip. Once they realized how tasty it was they started taking bigger gulps. The wolf didn't seem all to keen in trusting the goddess of these humans however.

I hovered the flagon closer to his face and let the steam waft around under his nose. It was clear he was very tempted to take it but was forcing himself not to out of caution.

"Come on" I said slyly. "If I wanted to kill you I would have. Do you really think I'll poision you now? Take a sip!"

After getting more encouragement from me he decided ultimately to take the risk. Getting a hold on the flagon was slightly complicated for his big canine hands, but he had enough manipulation to pull it off. He lifted it to his muzzle and nervously took a sip. However once he got a taste of it and felt the warm liquid inside him he started guzzling it down like a real dog. Once he was finished he looked at me with a serious look.

"My men would enjoy a tankard as well. Some haven't had a good meal in a week and it would surely lift their spirits to have something warm in their bellies."

The watchman Jeppe looked at him in shock and irritation.

"You can't make demands of the goddess like that! Who do you think you're-"

I silence him with the wave of my hand. He then shut his mouth with a confused look in eyes.

"I'll do you one better" I said flatly. "I can appreciate a leader who thinks of his men."

A large platter of stone rises up from the earth in front of me, a simple circular surface of stone about the size of a bed pillow. On it appeared at least a dozen large juicy beef steaks. They were not real meat of course, just manifested to be the same as it, sort of like lab grown meat. The smell coming off them was very authentic though and Markku's mouth was watering.

My New Life As A Kid Goddess: Book 3 - Kingdom Goddess Arc 2Where stories live. Discover now