Arc 2: Kingdom Goddess - Chapter 100

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Deep within the confines of my goddess domain that industrial age house stood as the most peculiar sight. All around the surroundings were of a medieval castle at massive scale that was lit by torches and odd ambient light. However here in the middle of the otherwise normal looking royal bedroom was an odd building that was nothing like this world had ever seen. Inside it were strange marvels that were nothing short of magic, but instead of mana twisted the elements with the use of electricity. It was its own self contained miracle that stood apart from the larger insanity of a goddess size home around it.

It was here that I had initially imprisoned my supernatural prisoners, though they had now been given free reign of the castle with limited forays into the outside world. Unsurprisingly the lich with his vast knowledge was quick to understand most of the technology this suburban house exposed him to. I wasn't sure if this should worry me but that was a worry for another time. Right now there was something much more pressing for me to be concerned about. My end of year party!

Now that I was a goddess presiding over an entire kingdom there had been too much indecision in where I would have this celebration. With worshipers all over the kingdom it was too difficult to choose in which city or town to have the party. Not everyone actually worshiped me and even a large portion of those that did were doing so more out of obligation than true devotion. Thus coming to one location would be seen as favoritism and be problematic.

The capital city Norlov seemed like a good option as it was the center of the kingdom's government. That however would mean the involvement of the royal family which wasn't something I wanted to deal with. Also it would only further isolate the general population from the privileged city and associate me with that. Doovlin was where I had the first party of course, but having it there again would surely be seen as pure favoritism. Of course the village was extremely special to me, but if I gave it too much attention it would be bad.

Nowhere else in the kingdom really stood out as more important as these two places and so instead I made the party a more private one in my own home. The celebration itself of the new year was already an established tradition around the kingdom of course, though their holiday was more in line with the semi-mystical beliefs one might find in an old druid sect. Goddesses had been an active force at one point in this world and it was impossible to completely remove beliefs tied to deities.

Traditionally in this kingdom they believed that with the new year the world got closer to its ultimate destruction. It was only through the observance of the turning of the calendar into new beginnings that their faith could give enough spiritual power to the upcoming year to give it the strength to resist the pull of doom. Not too strange of a belief considering their odd fusion of atheism and acceptance that gods were real.

Technically their doom sayings were on to something as planets were pulled ever so slightly closer to their stars even with stable orbits through various methods. That however would take literally an astronomical amount of time and wasn't even guaranteed before the star simply expanded to such a size the planet was wiped clear of life. Maybe some type of astrologist or goddess from the distant past realized this inevitable fate and it got passed on as a tradition.

My additions were simply not comparable as new years to the culture I came from was a simple observation of the planet's trip around the sun and general well wishes for the unknown future. There were fun fireworks to be sure but they didn't have any spiritual significance. I was planning to put on a little show in Doovlin after my party just because.

Right now however I was running about my little house in my massive bedroom to finish the final preparations for the party. There were decorations like streamers and balloons all about the main living room and kitchen combo which I had put up myself the day before. I had also prepared lots of snacks like trail mix, small cakes, shish kabobs, fruits and veggies, and even potato chips. For drinks there were such things as wine, ale, and champagne. Many of these things would be entirely new to my visitors.

My New Life As A Kid Goddess: Book 3 - Kingdom Goddess Arc 2Where stories live. Discover now