Arc 2: Kingdom Goddess - Chapter 78

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With the morning having long since passed into daytime the coldrolling mists had since faded away. No birdsong could be heard andwild animals were rare to see in winter conditions. Even the sun upabove in the sky was weak as if close to death. Here near the base ofthe Henjuk Mountains stood the village of Yuvoghen, the sistervillage of Doovlin that nestled itself away deep in the forest. Pinetrees mixed with the skeletal frames of tree bearing trees to form alabyrinth of snow laden trials through their trunks

Yuvoghens humble residents maintained their livelihoods in the sameway others living this far away from civilization did. They tendedsimple farms, hunted game in the forest, and went out into thewilderness to perform logging. This place had long protected by theNimelly family, a group of mages all miraculously related by blood.Such protections were less as of late however, in no small part dueto the daughter's death.

Yes it was the daughter I had learned that had been put in charge ofthe very ritual that saw Miya sacrificed on an alter and caused me tomentally break. The bloody rampage I had enacted while under thecontrol of Sub-chan, while under my own control, had killed manypeople including Samel Nimelly. Why she had gone through with such aninsane ritual I might never know, but the fact it failed to bind mewas ultimately a good thing.

Since that day this family of mages had secluded themselves evenfurther into their tower in the woods, completely shutting themselvesoff from the rest of the world. They were not the reason I had cometo Yuvoghen however as their further plots, if any, held no sway overme now. No instead I was here due to request of my worshipers in theregion. You see the undead had been seen in this area as well, thoughthankfully only in passing.

For whatever reason these shambling corpses hadn't bothered thevillage itself, likely due to some magical shenanigans put in placeby the mage family. Doovlin as well had been strangely undead free,though that was easily ascribed to the overwhelming presence of mymana in the area. While neither village was in danger it was stilltroubling to hear of sightings at all, thus I had come here toinvestigate.

Right now it was the middle of the evening, which in winter meantonly a couple more hours until darkness fell. I was full goddess sizeand stomping around through the wintry forest, the tallest treesstill barely reaching my stomach. Though I didn't need it I wasdressed in my adorable winter clothing complete with fuzzy hat andscarf. For whatever reason I just liked dressing up to fit theweather even if it was ultimately pointless. Maybe it was for thebenefit of those around me.

My mitten-clad hands were stuffed into the pockets of my faux-furcoat while my eyes scanned the surrounding wilderness landscape forany signs of movement. While the material world was such observed mymental eye used the map inside the goddess zone to search for signsof unlife. As difficult as it was seeing the moving dead wastechnically possible.

Thankfully my survey of the landscape had come up empty so far,something that was a great relief to me. The last thing I wanted wasthis threat coming to the doorstep of the first places that welcomedme to this world. That vampire hadn't been sighted since her escapeeither, though that might just be because she was being more carefulabout her activities.

Unfortunately my focus was interrupted when a particularly criticalprayer came in. It was from my paladin Jagger who was still out onhis investigation to the south-west. Of course I had been keepingtabs on him and Markku from time to time, though according to whatI'd seen they'd not come upon anything particularly dangerous. Itseemed they finally had however as the prayers I were getting fromthem right now were more than a little desperate.

My New Life As A Kid Goddess: Book 3 - Kingdom Goddess Arc 2Where stories live. Discover now