Arc 2: Kingdom Goddess - Chapter 94

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Neske continued struggling against the confines of the hand prison as she heard the rush of wind all around her. She could tell that they had traveled to someplace in the world outside the goddess's castle, but where that was she had no idea. The goddess had made remark about forcing her to apologize to some group of mortals though she couldn't think of who that might be either. It was irreverent however as this would present an opportunity for her to attempt an escape. All she would need to do is wait for the goddess to be distracted.

Suddenly the gigantic hand opened up and Neske found herself once again exposed on the palm of the young goddess. The fingers lifted back far enough to make a relatively large platform and allowed the blinding light of the evening sun to assault her senses. At first she panicked as she thought certainly it was the end for her as sunlight killed vampires. Her fears were quickly calmed however when she remembered that the magical ring of fire protection was the only item she had been allowed to keep. Thus even as a vampire she was immune to sunlight. It was still unpleasantly bright.

Neske pushed herself up to stand on her feet and looked out over the edge of the girl's hand. Far below she could see a small village. It was little more than a couple dozen small buildings collected together in a clearing of the forest. Deep snow was everywhere making it difficult for people to walk around, though there were several paths cleared thanks to the resident's shoveling. Jenna herself towered so far above the village it was like a human standing over an insect nest.

The villagers however were not afraid of the massive little girl in the slightest and had actually begun to gather around her enormous boots in the snow. Looking up Neske could see that the goddess's face was its usual friendly smile which only served to lure the mortals into a false sense of security. These disgusting fools were so easily swayed by those in power offering kindness that they could be tricked into almost anything, even offering themselves up as sacrifices.

Jenna cupped her left hand around her prisoner and put her right hand on her hip as she addressed the village below.

"Hello everyone!" She said in a friendly voice. "Listen up now! There's someone I want you to meet. They have something important to say to you."

By this point most of the population of the village had gathered around in front of the goddess's feet. It was clear that the residents of this village were not that well off, likely only surviving with the bare necessities. This desperation was likely the reason they would be so quick to worship a goddess Neske figured. There was something oddly familiar about these people she noticed however the longer she looked down at them.

Suddenly the massive goddess reduced herself to human size, the entire process taking no more than a few seconds. This was done in such a way that Neske found herself dropping alongside the goddess to be left standing next to the little girl in the snow. There was no chance of escape either as Jenna had made sure that the vampire's arm ended up grasped in her unbreakable grip. Now the two of them stood there in front of this growing crowed surrounded by the snowy forest.

Jenna smiled again and gestured to the pale woman standing next to her with her right hand, her left still grasping the wrist of her prisoner.

"This is Neske." Jenna said. "She's currently my prisoner but I've brought her here to apologize for her past actions."

Neske stood there completely stunned. She had no idea what to do as the most strange feeling washed over her. For some reason she was embarrassed as if being put on the spot like this in front of such a large group was somehow unpleasant. That made no sense though! These were mortals! Why should she feel embarrassed being out in front of them? If anything they should be bowing to her. Maybe it was because she was being paraded before them as a prisoner. Yes that would be why she was feeling this way. It only made her hate these mortals and their goddess more.

My New Life As A Kid Goddess: Book 3 - Kingdom Goddess Arc 2Where stories live. Discover now