Arc 2: Kingdom Goddess - Chapter 47

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An hour passed so quickly it seemed like only a few minutes. The explanation had passed through so many deeply complicated topics and mind bending thoughts. From the nature of the universe and the concept of a higher being, to the very existence of dimensions and universes beyond. As expected my human compatriots were mostly lost, though they did understand some of it on a basic level. The morning was now well matured however and the jousting even had begun.

The preliminary jousts were nothing special to me, just people riding on horses and knocking each other off in a low tech level version of chicken. Everyone watching certainly was into it though, as their lives lacked much in entertainment. Even books at the moment were not widely available which was something I was still working on correcting.

What can really be said about such an event though? There was a bracket of around thirty contestants from all around the kingdom, knights and nobles alike. Normally the prize they fought for would be land or the hand of some high status woman, but this time it was to become the champion of the goddess herself.

Initially I didn't know why anyone would want such a prize, though with further thought it was clear the prospect was extreme power. Being the right hand man to a goddess would come with incredible prestige and who knew what kind of magical gifts she would bestow upon them? This game me much to think about, as the moral framework of my champion would need to be resolute. I'd have to do my own testing on the winner.

As the morning went on and changed into midday the list of contestants grew shorter. While they were all given stock horses and equipment for their bouts the training of each man wasn't equal in the slightest. This was the sort of thing only the rich or extremely dedicated were able to excel at due to the cost of training for the sport. Not everyone could own a horse, fancy lance, and have the time to practice running at a target. If you were really rich you could even hire someone to be a moving opponent.

In the end the finals were between two particularly well off seeming men. Both were in the employ of the crown itself, serving as knights directly under the king. Neither of them owned any land as of yet, likely because that sort of thing was handed out at the end of one's tour of service so to speak.

First there was a man in his late thirties named Jagger Nalark. He had shoulder length yellow hair, fair skin, and deep green eyes. Well built and typically handsome, he was almost someone that every little girl wished to be her prince in shining armor. He'd probably have to be better looking to fit that stereotype completely.

The second man was only slightly older than the first. Dudly Horder: his long faded blue hair matching with his deep blue eyes. His skin was quite pale and his face was one that seemed slightly off in some way. While not particularly handsome he certainly fit the part of a strong knight figure.

The two man sat at opposite ends of the jousting lane, each proud atop their horses. Their jousting lances were held firmly in iron grips and their faces were obscured behind the helmets they wore. Surely their faces were grim and determined, after all they had made it to the finals and the grand prize was within their reach.

The announcer was introducing the finalists, their voice echoing out across the stadium.

"On the left we present Sir Nalark! A knight in the employ of the king himself! Women around the kingdom swoon when this stalwart man swoops in to save the day! His sense of justice stands stalwart against the wickedness of the world!"

There were cheers and clapping from the crowed as Jagger lifted his hand to wave.

"And on the right may we present Sir Horder! Such a powerful man has never been seen in the royal knights! His guile and mastery of the blade only compares to his elegance in the court! Surely the kingdom is lucky to have such a man on our side against the evils of both man and beast!"

My New Life As A Kid Goddess: Book 3 - Kingdom Goddess Arc 2Where stories live. Discover now