Arc 2: Kingdom Goddess - Chapter 91

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What a frightening sight the two of us probably were walking through the halls of the temple. Just a skeleton man and a little girl, one an awe inspiring lich and the other an all powerful goddess. In all reality it was such a normal sight to see me walking around at human size that the sudden appearance of Barthenor seemed quite normal in comparison. There were also other another dangerous supernatural creature wandering about the temple in the form of a fairy, so if people could get used to that then a skeleton wasn't all to shocking.

There were not that many people inside the temple at the moment anyway, the winter cold keeping most from traveling too far away from their homes unless necessary. Those that were around recognized me on sight in large part due to my frequent visits but also because of the paintings of me that were placed in special areas of the building. They offered me bows and words of thanks but generally kept a wide berth of me. My overwhelming presence was still not something the average human felt comfortable feeling. As a goddess my aura was quite large and powerful and other living things could feel that on a spiritual level.

After a rather short walk of a few minutes Barthenor and I reached the room where my second most favorite worshiper was currently residing. He was currently in what passed as the laundry room of the building helping the girl he liked fold clothing. There was also the little fairy Salferia as well, someone I still hadn't had much time to speak to. I'd have to borrow her sometime soon and have a chat about where she came from, though according to her it was an above ground village so not much might be learned. Thankfully everyone was getting along just well here at my temple though.

I walked up to the open door and stood right in the middle of entrance with my hands on my hips. Then I smiled happily and announced myself.

"Why hello everyone!" I exclaimed. "Having fun with some domestic duties?"

Everyone quickly turned around to see who was speaking with a jump of surprise. Their faces only became more surprised when they saw it was my standing there. Even though I often came for unannounced visits it was still surprising when the literal goddess you worshiped just showed up to your workplace for a chat. This surprise they easily recovered from, though the next shock almost gave them a heart attack. They noticed Barthenor standing behind me and both let out a cry of surprise.

Maisy's long orange hair swirled around into her face as she jumped backwards and almost fell over the table she had been standing in front of. A shrill shriek escaped her throat as her wide eyes stared in terror at the skeleton before her.

Timothy on the other hand had almost recovered from his initial shock by now, his right hand clutching his heart as he pushed himself back up from where he had fallen into the table. With everything he had seen me get up to he was thinking that this was just another cruel prank of mine. I knew he was thinking this because I read his mind of course.

Finally it was Salferia's turn to make an appearance as she emerged from the front pocket that Timothy had on his robe. She took one look at the lich and put her hands on her face in a clear mockery of the other's fear.

"Oh sha-derba! Its one of those skeleton people!"

Barthenor remained silent as if judging my reaction to all this. The appearance of a fairy did get a quick glance from him however before he returned his gaze to me.

I scoffed and lifted my left hand to wave in front of myself in a dismissive manner as I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah I'm sure you know what a lich is." I sarcastically commented at the fairy.

Salferia put her hands on her hips while her face became quite smug and proud.

"Of course I do!" She replied just as sarcastically. "You think the fey don't know about that ritual oh goddess?" She then lifted her right hand to flip her pigtails in a snobby gesture. "Not that we'd be stupid enough to actually go through with it." There was a pause as she snorted in disgust. "Humans."

My New Life As A Kid Goddess: Book 3 - Kingdom Goddess Arc 2Where stories live. Discover now