Arc 2: Kingdom Goddess - Chapter 63

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All around me was the sound of peaceful silence as I lay in my bed. It had been relatively peaceful in the kingdom since the winter was almost here, as people were much more concerned with finalizing their preparation for winter than stirring up trouble. My job as goddess answering prayers still went on of course but with the last biggest issue, the werewolves, sorted out there weren't many big crises to worry about. As such I was taking some time to relax in my castle dimension.

It was the middle of the night and would I have been outside in the real world there would've been an entire sky filled with brilliant stars to look at. The peace and quiet of the domain was its own pleasantness sometimes though. Not that I was ever truly alone. Thankfully my continued efforts to get along with and listen to my inner voice in Sub-Chan had resulted in a healthier mental state, at least as far as I could tell.

My peace and contemplation was soon interrupted however as a particularly worrying prayer came in. Suddenly I was receiving multiple prayers from people in Quarely's castle about saving them from a monster that had ran through the castle. The vampire was escaping?

Immediately I jumped out of bed and shrank down to human size, while at the same time changing into my normal outfit from my pajamas. Then I opened up a portal to a pair of nobility types that were standing in the hallway of the castle and it slid over me taking me to their side.

Upon my arrival the hysterical woman jumped in fear initially but once she recognized me she fell at my feet. Her husband was holding her and trying to keep her calm.

"Oh goddess!" She sobbed. "Thank heaven you've come!"

With her on the ground my small child body actually made me taller than her and I looked down at her with glowing eyes. Honestly I was pissed and confused in equal measure. There should've been no way for the vampire to escape those chains. So how in hell did it happen? My frustration was leaking into my voice as I replied to her.

"Have no fear. You're goddess is here."

My tone combined with the comforting words was a slight disconnect for the poor woman and she just clung to her husband while still weeping. He looked up at me with his own fear as he held her close.

I let out a long sigh and crouched down so I was on the same level as the woman, my tone of voice softening.

"There there. Stop crying alright? You're safe now." I then looked up at the husband. "You can take her away. Nothing is gunna happen now that I'm here."

He nodded. "Yes goddess."

The two of them stood up, the wife with no small amount of help, and started walking down the castle hallway to their room. With them now leaving I did a throughout scan of the area. Nearby there were several guards but they were the only other people that came up on my radar. Down in the dungeon below the vampire was nowhere to be found but Yoko was still there. He was in her cell in fact which was worrying. A scan of the surrounding area came up with no results for the vampire at all. She was long gone. That's not good.

The two guards that had been in the hallway with us had been waiting patiently as I dealt with the two nobles. Now that they were gone I turned to them and slowly approached. Both of them stood to attention and tried to avoid eye contact. They were quite shaken and not from my presence this time.

I held my hands together behind my back and looked up at them with a sharp gaze.

"Well? Report!" I said sternly. "Is anyone hurt?"

This direct and dominant approach was a good idea in my mind as these men were used to receiving and following orders. Having a authority figure bark orders at them would hopefully get them to fall back into their training and therefore occupy their minds enough they wouldn't panic anymore. The gamble ended up working out and the two of them seemed to calm down as they saluted me.

My New Life As A Kid Goddess: Book 3 - Kingdom Goddess Arc 2Where stories live. Discover now