Arc 2: Kingdom Goddess - Chapter 97

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Several days had passed since I had captured my new pet. Thankfully the hydra didn't try to attack me after I had passed out for a couple hours on the floor, as though I was still semi-conscious it would have been a pain to stop it as I couldn't move my body. The never-ending meat had been enough to draw its attention as suspected and it was much easier to go after a non-mobile piece of meat than a immense goddess who had previously caused it harm. As I lay there watching it had grabbed the meat and dragged it into the pond to eat in seclusion. No one walking by the body of water would have even known such a huge monster was down there lurking in the depths. Luckily there were only two other beings in my castle and neither of them were going to get caught.

Something I discovered upon waking up was that the effects of the meat on its mannerisms were both positive and unexpected. While I had thought initially that having an easy source of endless food would make the hydra less likely to attack things I was surprised to find it actually became quite docile. It had eaten meat for literal hours on end to the point I became worried its stomach would burst which had been an unforeseen consequence I was unable to stop while knocked out. That fear however was proven moot as it did eventually stop eating, the way in which it acted making it seem almost satisfied.

Imagine living your whole life in a constant state of hunger only to one day suddenly have the strangest feeling you can't explain. For the first time you experience this fullness and think that maybe you can stop worrying about food for a while. That would be enough to make anyone docile, even a monstrous snake beast. This result was the best outcome I could have hoped for as well for now my pet could actually interact with mortals without fear of them being attacked. For now though he just spent his time in the pond eating whenever he got hungry.

Over the next several days the poop issue was also taken care of when I introduced an earth golem to the garden, something I hadn't done before. This construct was put in charge of turning hydra droppings into fertilizer for use on the plants all around the area which was very useful indeed. While I was at it I also created other golems to manage the garden itself, finally taming the previously free growing forest into something pleasant to look at. It wasn't that I cared either way particularly, though it was obvious visiting mortals would enjoy it more controlled.

At this very moment I was kneeling by the edge of the pond at my full goddess size, my left hand reaching out to rub the tops of my pet's heads. The hydra was standing just before the shore in the water with several of its heads eagerly moving about my hand to be patted. It was sort of like a giant and deadly snake headed dog. Well more like a pet python really. Not something you would ever leave your kids alone with but certainly an animal still capable of affection.

While attending to my pet I saw in my extended goddess vision the approach of my other two house guests. Both Neske and Barthenor were walking through the dense foliage of the garden to approach me, my own immense size making it impossible to miss even in this forested place. They had been aware of the hydra but had steered clear due to the inherent dangers. Neither of them were actually afraid of the beast but rather didn't want to interfere with what was clearly an animal I owned.

As they approached I finished my petting of my pet's heads and withdrew my hand.

"I named him Flavio." I said without turning my head. "I couldn't think of a better Greek sounding name."

After my hand moved away Flavio let out a low friendly sounding hiss from a couple heads before lowering them. He then slid backwards into the water like an alligator might and soon vanished uder the surface with surprisingly little waves.

Barthenor looked somewhat interested in the beast but as he lacked the ability to truly feel emotions he didn't show it. Neske on the other hand was quite clearly disgusted by the quite obvious abomination in the natural world. Something that was obviously quite ironic coming from a literal undead creature.

My New Life As A Kid Goddess: Book 3 - Kingdom Goddess Arc 2Where stories live. Discover now