Chapter 3- Reunions

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"He proposed last night"

"Oh, congratulations-"

"I said no" she breathes.

"What- oh, Ava" Connor stumbles.
"If the flowers had anything to do with that" Connor shook his head.
Ava laughs, her face breaking into a wide smile.
"Your flowers weren't so beautiful that they made me turn down a marriage proposal, I promise" she assured him.
"So why then?"
"We just wanted different things. I mean we'd only been dating for just over nine months, we'd never even talked about marriage" Ava winced.
"Who proposes after not even a year? You should be dating at lest a year and a half or two years before that even come into question"
"And he wanted me to give up my career, to have our kids" Ava traced the rim of her empty glass with her pointer finger.
Connor nodded knowingly, "I'm sorry Ava"
"I thought something seemed off"
"Was it that obvious that somethings wrong?" She asked, furrowing her brows.
"No one else has questioned it"
"No, but not everyone's been watching you all night. I saw him catch your wrist when you tried to leave a convosation"

Ava nodded slowly knowing what he was talking about, her fingers absently running to her wrist. "He wants me to come back to his hotel room with him"
"You kicked him out?" Connor asks.
"He was never staying with me full time. But he left, packed his bag"
"I'm sorry Ava" he put a hand on her bare shoulder.
"It's okey. I'm staying with an old girlfriend tonight, the apartments too empty now, too quite"
"Girlfriend as in girl friend, or-"
"Girlfriend as in friend who's a girl"
"Just double checking" he chuckled.
"I think that's why he wanted me in white for tonight, so we could do some cliche wedding announcement" Ava rolled her eyes.
"Well I did always say you look good in white"
Ava chuckled and pulled back from the railing.

"Here, I want to introduce you to some people" she took his hand, pulling him back from the railing. Connor couldn't say anything, just welcomed the feeling of Ava's hand in his. Ava opened the door and lead him in looking around the room before spotting someone and waving. Ava lead him across the room through crowds of people before stopping at a small group.
"And who is this?" Brooklyn smirked, nursing her drink.
"Brooklyn this is Connor, Connor Rhodes, I worked with him in Chicago"
"The Connor Rhodes" she looked to Ava, "well it's an honour, I've heard lots about you"
Brookie reached her hand out to shake Connors.
"All good I hope" he smiled and glanced to Ava who was blushing, she was nervous.
"Oh!" Brookie exclaimed loudly, placing a hand on his arm, "you have to meet my boyfriend" she hurried off.
Ava smiled and watched her scruy off.
"Brookie's a neurologist" Ava nodded, taking a sip of a drink.
Connor smiled, happy to know Ava had made a friend in New York. Ava turned her head suddenly, breaking his gaze. Connor watched her, spotting who he now knew to be Andrew watching them from across the room. Ava turned to face forward again taking a long sip of her drink.

"Bob, Bob! Just trust me okey, come here" Brooklyn returned, dragging her boyfriend through the crowds.
"Whats happening Brookie?" He said as she stopped in front of Connor and Ava.
Bobs mouth hung open slightly.
"You're Connor Rhodes!" Bob shook his hand enthusiastically.
"I'm Bob, Bob Geller. I'm a cardiologist I've been following yours and Ava's carrers for years, it's and honour to meet you" he gushed.
"He was the same way when I introduced him to Bekky" Brooklyn joked, pointing to Ava.
"Bekky?" Connor smiled and Ava shook her head.
"What your the only person that gets to give me nicknames?" She scoffed with a smile.
"No, no, not at all, Avey" he shook his head a took a sip of his drink.
Brooklyn gave her a knowing look, glancing between the two and Ava once again threw her gaze to her glass.

The music slowed as the evening came to an end, Connor had only planned to stay until nine but found his watch to read 11.25pm by the end of the night. Connor got the lift with Ava, Brooklyn, Bob, Andrew and a few others. Connor kept his eyes on Andrew and Ava, how he treated her. Andrew had his arm around her, they were smiling softly, the poster image of a happy relationship. But Connor knew better, it was lacking, he didn't offer his jacket to her, or kiss her, tell her how beautiful she looked in that dress, with her hair like that.

The bell pinged as they reached the ground floor, Ava and Andrew left fist, leaving the hotel almost immediately. Connor walked at a slower pace, talking to Bob about the latest cardio developments. Connor held the door open for the, spotting Ava and Andrew off to the side of the street. It looked like they were saying goodbye. Ava touched his arm and went to move before he caught her in a hug. Ava winced as he kissed her cheek before walking down the street. Ava shivered and walked back to the group with a smile.
"The boys are talking business" Brookie joked, wrapping her arms around Ava. Brooklyn whispered something in her ear, pulling back she rubbed her arm, "it'll be okey" she whispered before kissing her friends cheek.

Bob and Brooklyn left in a car together, leaving Ava and Connor outside the hotel. Connor took off his jacket and held it out for Ava, she looked between him and the jacket.
"I shouldn't, people would talk" she wrapped her arms tighter around herself.
Connor looked around, "I don't see anyone here now?"
Ava looked and came to the same conclusion, "thank you" she reached out fo the jacket but Connor came up and draped it around her shoulders for her.
"Thanks" she smiled, getting the familiar scent of Connor's cologne.
"So, since I'm here for a few more days, I thought we could go for a coffee?"
Connor really wanted to ask her for a drink, or to dinner, but knew it was to soon after Andrew. "Actually I'm leaving, in two days. Moving states, I should have told you it slipped my mind. I got a job opportunity"
"That's great Ava" Connor smiled sincerely. "I'm actually leaving Chicago soon as well for a new job prospect..." Connors voice trailed off in thought.
Ava furrowed her brows, realising the same thing as him.
"Does yours happen to start with Mayo, and end with Clinic?" He asked.
Ava's face light up, "You got an offer!" She threw her arms around him.
Connor laughed into the night, "nice change from the last time you said that"
Ava hit his arm playfully, "why didn't you tell me!"
"Same reason you didn't tell me, we were sworn to secrecy"
"What floor?" Ava question.
"Trauma surgery"
Ava nodded happily, "when did they ask you?"
"Two weeks ago" Connor replied, "they were going to offer me CT if their first choice didn't get back to them"
Ava gave a little smirk and ran her tounge along her teeth.
"They asked you first, didn't they?"
"They may have" Ava replied, keeping up her little smirk.
"I'm proud of you Dr. Bekker"
"As am I of you, Dr. Rhodes"
"Looks like we'll be seeing a lot more of each other" she smiled as her taxi pulled up.

"Are you sure you don't want to share?" She asked.
"No, no, I'm on the other side of town, I've already called one. You go home, you've got a lot of packing to do" he waved his hand in the air.
"Goodnight" she returned his jacket.
"Goodnight" Connor folded it over his arm.
Once Ava's taxi turned the corner Connor turned around and reentered the hotel, getting the elevator up to his room.

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