Chapter 12- Reputation

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With Connor still having not luck finding a place and having not heard back from any of the rentals he found himself still stuck in the hotel. The halls were getting quieter as people moved out, some planning on staying as long as they could to save up money for a nice place.

He made the most of the facilities available, he was in the gym most mornings before work to break up the day. The treadmills faced out the windows to Rochester and the weights were set in front of a mirror and wall of windows over looking the pool. It was set up in lanes. He'd seen her enter the water smoothly from the corner of her eye, making timed slices through the water till she turned under the water and kicked back against the wall.

He finished his set and took his headphones off, cooling down as he watched her go back and forth. At the far end she pushed up on her palms out of the water to sit on the ledge, her feet in the pool. She removed her goggles, rubbing the red circles from under her eyes, her black one piece clung to her as she slid off her cap, producing a mop of soggy curls.
She stood and slid on her sliders, eager to get into the warmth of a morning shower.
Connor put his headphones back on and left the gym.


Connor made his way into the canteen for lunch, sitting at his usual table with his lunch tray.
"Connor" Russel smiled.
"We're all going out for drinks tonight if you want to join?"
"Sure, yeah that sounds great" he smiled, happy to be making some friends.
They chatted amongst themselves, Connor getting in on a few of their conversations before his pager buzzed.
"I have to get this but I'll see you all later" he nodded goodbye, walking out of the canteen he saw Ava's table empty.

Dr. Rhodes to OR 3

Ava was scrubbing in when the door opens behind her.
"Dr. Rhodes, what an honour" she turns back to the sink.
"I ask for an assistant and I get the chief"
"Aves" he greeted her.
"He's the head of big company in Minasota, he was on his way to a business meeting when the car crashed" he said having gotten briefed on the seriousness of the case in the way up.
"So what I'm hearing is I shouldn't kill him" she nodded, "got it"
"I haven't seen you in a while" he commented.
"Although to think I spotted you in the pool this morning"
"That was me" she confirmed thought he already knew.
"How are your new friends?"
"Good, there on a search to figure out who owns the new Merc in the staff car park"
Ava nodded, finishing scrubbing in.
"Probably some big shot CEO for the hospital"
"I'll see you in there" she turned to open the door with her back.


Connor went back to his hotel room and changed. He'd enjoyed the chats Ava a he had during surgeries, he'd missed having lunch with her but knew they'd needed to branch out more with their friendships.

He realised he was running late, knowing most of them were probably leaving straight from the hospital. Connors shift having ended earlier the the others.
He caught the train across town to the bar they were meeting at.
"Hey, Rhodes" they greeted him as he came to the table
"Sorry I'm late, lost track of time" he ordered his first beer.
"Where's Owen?" He was running late, presuming everyone else would have already arrived.
"Owen Folwer?"
"Oh, yeah. I don't think we got a chance to ask him"
Connor nodded shortly, brushing it off.

"So what are we talking about" Connor sipped his beer.
"Just work stuff"
"Who were we on?"
"Dr. Barker, I think?"
"From paediatrics?" Connor clarified.
"Yeah" one of them confirmed.
"Who else?"
"Oh, Musa"
"I wouldn't date her" Russel shook his head.
"Yeah she's a bit intimidating, I wouldn't want that" another doctor agreed.
Connors mind went blank as he realised what the meant by work.

Don't say it, don't say it, don't say it

"What about Bekker?"
"I don't know she seems a bit bratty"
"I'd still date her"
"She's like thirty-two as well"
"Thirty-two? How's she even here"
"I don't know but I think those legs might have something to do with it" which got a laugh from the group. Except one.
"I don't know she's seems pretty stuck up, and bossy"
"Yeah I've heard a few things" Russel said.
Connor started him down silently, catching his eye.
"Hey, Connor. You two used to work at Chicago Med around the same time, right?" He goaded him.
"Yeah" he confirmed, taking a sip of his beer.
"Must have spent a lot of time together? Any late night hookups you can tell us about, what she was like?"

"She had a boyfriend" he said shortly, setting his drink down.
"That wouldn't have stopped me, and from what I hear it wouldn't stop you"
"Man, I feel bad for that boyfriend, someone that high maintenance?"
"Between the Birkin and the red bottoms? If there are even real"
"I think I can do high maintenance for that ass"
Connor sat a stewed for another fifteen minutes before he had enough.
"I'm going to head off, I have an early surgery" he excused himself, his beer only half empty; no one seeming to really mind his absence.

Connor went back to the hotel, he skipped his floor and went straight to Ava's door.
"Hi" he smiled when she opened her door.
"Connor, I didn't expect anyone" Ava looked down to her mix match pyjamas.
"I know, it's okey if you're busy"
"No, no. I'm not. Come in" she stood aside.
"What are you doing?"
"T.V and ice cream" she closed the door behind them. "It's the new season of our show"
"Can I join you?"
"If you take off your shoes" she laid back on the bed, fluffing a pillow for him.
Connor took off his shoes and laid on the bed next to her. Ava handed him a spoon and the tub of ice cream.
"I'm only thirty minutes in, we can restart it for you" she started the program.
"Eat quick I don't have a freezer in here" she pointed to the ice cream.
Connor felt himself instantly relaxed, he liked this. He wrapped an arm around Ava's shoulders and passed her the ice cream. She didn't protest to either.

Their show played, heads pressed together something still itched at Connor.
"You know I don't think you're high maintenance" Connor said suddenly.
Ava didn't say anything for a minute, before sitting up and pausing the T.V.
"Excuse me?"
"I don't. Think you're high mataince that is" he stumbled.
"Thank you?" She said slowly in a confused tone. "Where did this come from"
"I was out with some guys from Med, earlier"
Ava nodded knowingly before Connor could finish his sentence.
"Let them talk" she shrugged, returning to his arms. There heads were resting against each other.
"I don't like how they talk about you" he breathed.
"It happens" Ava shrugged, not letting it seem to bother her. "Always did"
"C'mon" she handed him the ice cream.
"Thanks" Connor took it from her, bringing their heads back together.

The next day Connor made his way to the canteen again, spotting the guys on the far side he instead found himself making his way to a different table. Owen, Ini and Ava were all sat together at a table, their conversation quieting down as he approached.
"Hey" he smiled.
"Well, well, well. If it isn't Dr. Rhodes" Owen teased.
"Joining the Africans?" Ini joked.
"Can I sit with you guys?"
Ava met his eye, sitting up she removed her bag from the free seat. Setting it on the ground next to her. Owen patted him on the back as a welcome. "Ah, our honorary African"

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