Chapter 21- Honeymoon Period

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Ava logged off her computer and packed up her things. She reapplied her lip oil in a small hand held mirror she kept in her desk before standing and changing into flats, putting her heels into her bag. And pulled on her coat and flicked the light off behind her.

She walked past the empty offices and pressed the button for the lift. Smiling at a familiar face she stood at the back beside him. The lift filling quickly as morning shifts switched to nights.
As more people pushed in Ava move closer to him. They waited as the lift slowly crawled down, something brushing her fingers. She didn't think much of it, till a finger brushed her knuckles, she looked down. Her gaze fell forward again, her for hers reaching out to Connor's they touched once more, their fingertips quickly intertwined as she pressed closer to him, hiding their hands.

She tapped his hand quickly, before making her way out of the crowd. Connor paused for a minute before quickly following her. It was a training floor, one that would be empty in the evenings. He rounded the corner into a practice room and hands pushed him back against the wall.
"You're lucky it was me" he kissed her back.
Picking her up he placed her on the edge of the sink.
"My cowboy"

She pulled her bag higher on her shoulder, his kisses fresh on her skin. They did need to get going. Pushing her hair back from her face they walked to the empty lift together.
"Any plans for the evening?"
"Sleep" Ava joked.
"Probably run over the plan for tomorrow once more"
She nodded, "do you want a ride?"
"No it's fine, I drove"
"Then I'll see you tomorrow"


He was, excited? It was a complex case but he was working with the best. He was working with Ava. Connor showered and got ready for the day, cleaning up his beard a bit more in the excess time he hand.

He drove to hospital and went up to his office to drop off his things, stopping by at another door.
"Good morning Dr. Rhodes" she smiled, as he came in.
"Here, eat up. We have a long morning ahead of us" she handed him a second pot of over night oats with fruit.
"Thanks" he took the pot with the attached spoon, sitting on the sofa with her.
He'd wondered if she'd made it just for him, or if she was planning to have it after the surgery. It didn't contain mango, hers did. His one had chocolate bits and hers was drizzled with honey.

She looked over her shoulders, catching his cheek she kissed him, pulling back to look him in the eye. He pressed his lips to hers once more.
"Did you like the oats?" She pulled her knees to her chest.
'I'd hoped you would"
"I was afraid I wouldn't see you to give them to you"

"Dr. Bekker making me breakfast". She took his empty container. "To what do I owe the pleasure". She tucked the empty containers into her bag.
"I see mine had some chocolate"
"Well I know about you sweet tooth" she joined him on the sofa.
"Mhm" he touched her chin, his finger brushing her lip.
"I seem to have more of a taste for honey lately"
"Is that so"
He kissed her, "we don't get enough time together"
"Mhm" she broke apart kissing him once more, "we don't"

There was a knock at the door and Connor jumped back.
Ava turned her head to the door.
"Sorry to interrupt , I was just dropping off some files for Dr. Bekker"
"It's no problem" she took the file.
"Thank you"

Ava watched her go before setting the file on the floor next to them.
"I should probably be going" he stood.
"I have a few patients to see before we start"
"Okey" she nodded catching his hand.
"I'll see you later"


Connor prepped for the surgery, having only a few other cases in his day he got paged that they were starting, making his way down to Ava.
"You ready?" She asked, standing at the sink.
"Of course" he started scrubbing in. "Ready to follow your lead"
"Don't you always?"

They made their way in. The transplant team already there. They said their good doings and got to work. It was a complex CF case, the patient linking with low lung capacity due to the condition. They needed to replace them.
Ava worked through the incisions. It wasn't a case that would draw a lot of press but I was a big case non the less.

"Got it?"
They removed the old lungs, setting the new ones in place.
"Why is her heart rate spiking?"
"Okey we need to wrap this up, keep her pressure steady, up her meds and get a crash cart on standby" Ava ordered.
They began stitching quickly, working their way through the surgery.

Ava pulled off her gear and goggles, "god" she wiped her forehead.
They were alone, taking the time to have a short embrace. Having not seen each other much since Halloween.
"You did good" his lips brushed her temple. There patient was stable and breathing on her own. Ava touched his back before they separated, not seeing each other for the rest of their shifts.

Connor took off his glasses and turned off his laptop, he thought of her. His shift was ending a little earlier than usual today, he thought about seeing her before he left that evening. He took his bags and got ready to go home. He passed by her office, tapping on the door he opened it, finding her light off and room empty. Maybe it was for the best, The surgery having drained him. He waited for the lift to the ground floor.
"Dr. Bekker, what a surprise" he smiled, surprised to see her as he stepped into the lift.
"Headed home" she smiled.
"Yeah, my shifts are ending a little earlier then everyone else. I have an earlier start"
"So do I" he furrowed his brows.
Their shifts ended at the same time. Their shifts, ended, at the same time.

Ava let them into her room, hastily disposing of their dirtied scrubs from the day.
"How long do you think we have until the others start coming back"
"An Hour" she kissed him, "maybe two if the traffics bad" she tossed her head back, pulling them onto her bed.

It was a distant memory but familiar, oh so familiar. The way her held her head, his lips finding that spot on her neck almost instantly.
That became their routine. Theirs shifts ended before the others, leaving them along on the hotel floors. It was only usually Saturday or Thursday that this small miracle occurred, leaving the couple the time tougher they longed for.
She'd bring a toiletry bag with her, more often finding themselves in his room. She's shower after work and wash her face. Spray her perfume before getting into a change of clothes she could walk to her room in.

Ava lay with her head on his chest, drifting in and out of sleep. She kept herself awake by tracing the designs of Connors tattoos. A task that she could once do with her eyes closed she now struggled with. Her fingertips just barely touched the skin as she made her way across his chest, stopping suddenly as she came across lines she was unfamiliar with.
Tattooed near the inside of Connors left arm, close to his heart was a fine line chrysanthemum. Ava drew a short breath, Connor stirring above her to meet her eye.
"I hope it didn't hurt too much" she said quickly.

He shook his head wordlessly, bringing a hand to the back of her neck he kissed her forehead. "I got it about a year ago, maybe a little longer" he spoke after a while.
She cuddled into him, "I like it"

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