Chaoter 42- Her what?

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I'm her husband.

"Victor Orbán"
Ava rose her brows, quickly hiding her shock.
"Of course" she smiled.
"Let me just go grab her, why don't you wait here" she lead him into the doctors lounge.

"Connor" she said relived.
"Connor why don't you make Victor a coffee"
"Ini's husband" she nodded.
Connors mouth hung open for a moment before standing, "of course, lovely to meet you. We've all heard so much about you"
"I'll be back in just a moment" she excused herself.

Ava got the lift up to the offices, running over this in her mind.
She rushed up the steps to the offices, bursting through Ini's door.
"You ever heard of knocking?" Ini said.
"You're married!" She exclaimed.
Ini's face fell.
"Uh, yes, well, yes" she stumbled.
"How did you know?"
"Because Victor is downstairs having a coffee with Connor"
She stood, "he's here?"
"Why is he here!" She stormed over to the door, locking it and closing the blinds fully.
"I'd presume to see you"

Ini covered her face, "this cant be happening"
"Hey, hey what's wrong?" Ava asked, misreading the situation.
She guided her to the sofa to sit.
Ini sobbed, "if there's something going on we can get you help, I'll get rid of him"
"It's not that", she sniffled, "I cheated on him"

Oh, Ava rubbed her back. Ini sobbed and wiped her cheeks.
"How am I going to tell Owen"
"Owen?" Ava raised her brows. Owen.
"This is all such a mess"
"Hey, come on, tell me everything from the start" Ava wrapped an arm around her.
"It was the night of the event for the hospital, the one in the hotel"
"Well you'd turned in for the night and I couldn't get into your room. So I decided to go up to Owens room and ask if I could wait there till my taxi came, which he welcomed- having left quite early. And we just got to talking"

"And I had him over to my house, after shifts. It was getting late one night and it was dark, I didn't want him going back alone so I suggested he stay the night"
"I let another man into my bed" she shook her head.
"Ini did you two sleep together?"
"No" she said softly.
"It was an emotional affair" she dropped her hand, a balled up tissue inside.
"I needed something Ava! To feel something"
"I love Victor I do, but do you know what it is like to marry a man who is married to his work"
She went limp in Ava's arms, "I want what you have Ava. I what the love that means I feel loved, that means I get the kisses and hugs- I want time together and to go on dates and to live in the same continent!"
"I think you two need a long talk, and you need to tell him that and take it from there"

"But that is not for now"
"I want you stay here and lock the door after me, I'll be back in a minute. I'm going to get rid of Victor, and tell him you can meet him this evening"
"Give him my address, I don't want to do this in public" she squeezed her hand.
"And then you two are going to talk about this. And regardless of what way this goes we'll go out for brunch to cheer you up"
"But you need to tell Owen about the situation"
"I know" Ini said quietly.


"Sorry for the wait" Ava apologised, finding Victor with Connor.
"Ini's actually in surgery at the minute but she said to pass on her address and you can meet for dinner"
"Ah, she was always a hard worker. Thank you for your help"
"Bye now" Connor said as he left.

"What was that" Connor whispered once he was gone.
"I don't think I can tell you everything just yet"
"Well Ini has a lot of explaining" he touched her waist.

Ava made her way back to Ini, knocking to let her know she was there.
Ini had dried her eyes, nodding certainly. "I'm going to tell him"
"Are you sure you're ready?"
"Yeah, yeah I'm fine. I need to tell Owen"
"Okey, I'm here if you need me. It's nearly the end of shift but I'm only one page away, you know that"
"I know"
Ava wrapped her arms around her once more before parting.

Ini made her way down the hall to a familiar office, knocking lightly.
"Ini, hi" he smiled, giving her his full attention.
"Whats wrong"
"Can we sit down" she nodded to the sofa.
"What's wrong"
She took his hands, "I've been lying to you"
"What are you-"
"I'm married. Owen" she squeezed his hands.
"What" he said quietly, pulling his hands back.
"I should have told you, I shouldn't have lead you on"
"This is why you didn't want to meet my parents" he said aloud.
"I'm so sorry" she said, her voice hoarse.
He left before she could say any more, closing her eyes she touching her nose.

Ini packed up, she closed her office door behind her, stopping by Ava's before she left.
"Call me whenever" she promised.
"We'll talk tomorrow"
Ini nodded before taking her bag and leaving.

She drove home in silence. An anxiety induced chill over her. Victor would be over at seven. She had two hours to shower and compose herself. That didn't seem like a whole lot of time now. She ran through this in her head, how could she be so stupid.
Did he know, is that why's he come?
They spoke a week prior? Maybe longer, he hadn't mentioned this.
Why would he blind side her like that.

Ini leaned back against the kitchen counter, it was seven o'five and he wasn't here. Maybe he'd gotten lost. She could have offered to come get him. But they they'd have to speak in the car. The door bell rang. She's given him the code to get in.
She took a shaky breath before opening the door.

"Ini!" He beamed, wrapping his arms around her he kissed her cheek.
She touched his arms, "Victor" she smiled.
"Here" he held out the bouquet of flowers.
"Thank you" she smiled, setting them down on the counter.
"Did you cook?"
"No" she looked to the stove, "sorry, I normally don't eat this early"
"That's fine, we can order something" he said, "I'm only here to see you"
She placed his hands on her hips.
"Victor" she stopped him, pushing his hands back.
She looked him in the eye.
"I had an affair- an emotional affair" she clarified.
"What, why?" His face fell, stepping back.
"Ini I know we've been apart for a while but I do love you"
"Do you? Or do you love my father's company?" She challenged him.
"Don't say that" his face soured.
"Which one do you love more because this seems pretty one sided"
"I love you Ini! I have always loved you, you are my wife!"
"Just talk to me, tell me what you want!"
"I want to be your wife" she shout.
"I want to be treated like your wife!"
"And, and I want to live with you, Victor! In this house in this continent, because that is how married couples should live!"
"And" her voice grew quieter, "I want to wake up to you in bed, and I want flowers and dates and time together" she threw her hand to the ground.
"I want you to love me"

His hands were one her cheeks, "I love you"
"I love you Ini, I love you more then anything"
He kissed her, picking her up, setting her on the dining table.
She kissed him back, a longing having grown over the last few months.
"I love you Ini" he assured her.
"I love you"

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