Chapter 16 - The Chairs

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Ava got her breakfast from the cafe down the road before going to work. Her Benz had caused even more of a stir once people discovered it was hers.
Not that she'd cared.

Ava carried her heels and bag as she went into the hospital. Her ID badge wrapped around her wrist. She clocked in and made her way up to her office to drop off a few things. She sat in the dark and switched her shoes.

Ava took her seat in the board room, crossing her ankles under the desk. Ini sat next to her, passing her a paper coffee cup.
"Thanks" Ava brought the cup to her lips, her gloss transferring.

Mr. Harris entered, he was dressed formally as always. Ava has read a piece about him in the paper, she'd recalled. About his story, helping build his fathers company and becoming incredibly wealthy. She'd seen a picture of him attached to the piece, when he was much younger and had fewer lines on his face. He'd looked happy, he still had that glint behind his eye but no longer wore a sweater thrown over his shoulders.
She'd wondered if he'd read the article.

"Now, my final point for you all. We will be having some members of the chair present in hospital over the next few weeks, to observe work. Well I think I've spoken for long enough, how about we hear it from the source"
Mr. Harris nodded to a man about Connors age who was sat next to him.
"Hello, I'm Thomas Witherspoon. I'm one of the chairs of the hospital and I'll just be here to over see some of the work to get a better feel for the place"

The meeting broke up and they all stood.
"Dr. Bekker?" He stopped her.
"Yes" she smiled shaking his hand, "Ava, please"
"Great, I've heard so much about you, I hope to shadow you for some of the day, and then a few other surgeons"
"Of course, There's a gallery in some of the OR's for Med. students. Your welcome to sit in on a surgery if you'd like" Ava suggested.
"I'm not sure if my stomach would be able for that"
"I'll be shadowing Dr. Rhodes as well- you two have made quite a name for yourselves"
"So I've heard, Connors great' she told him.

Ava showed him around the hospital before she met with her first few patients for the day, leaving him not go about his work.
"Thomas" she smiled, spotting him in the Ed she put her file down, "how is your day going"
"Good, I just need a quite place to take some notes"
"My office is free" Ava offered.
"Yeah, yeah that sounds great. Actually"
"I never realised how chaotic hospitals could be. I don't know who you do it everyday" Thomas laughed.
"I'll show you it, I won't be in there much today. You can stay as long as you need"
Connor watched them go as they passed him by.


Connor was sat at his desk, a cold half drank coffee next to him when there was a knock at the door. "Dr. Bekker" he smiled, taking off his blue light glasses, "to what do I owe the pleasure"
"Thomas wants some face time you, down at think he's seen you a lot" she came up to lean on the desk beside him. She looked out the large windows that backed onto his offer, similar to hers.
"From what I've seen he's pretty happy with you, I even saw him in your office"
"He needed somewhere to work" she said.
"You know I hate these PR things" he leaned back on his chair.
"Is that because of your childhood?" She asked.
"Probably" he raised a brow. "I'll make sure to bring that one up to my shrink" he joked.

Avas eyes found his glasses, picking them up she tried them on.
"Do these actually do anything?"
"Or are you just trying to seem cool?"
"They do" he straightened them on her face.
"They suit you". They framed her face nicely.
"Keep them" he nodded.

"I'm not stealing your glasses" she scoffed, taking them off.
"I'm serious, I have a few pairs"
Ava pauses for a moment, "thanks"
"Will you stop hiding up here now?"
Connor rolled his eyes and held out his arm, Ava pulling him from his chair.

He followed her downstairs to the ED where Thomas was waiting by the nurses station.
"Dr. Rhodes, it's great to get to meet with you. I missed you following your surgery today"
"Ava's told me plenty about you"
"Has she now?" Connor turned to her.
"I'll leave you to it" she excused herself.
Thomas smiled as she walked away.
"Dr. Rhodes I'd like to suggested a exclusive with your and Dr. Bekker"
"I think it would be some great publicity for the hospital and your intertwined carrer"
"That sounds great Thomas, but please call Connor. I'm sure Ava feels the same" he smiled.
"Yeah" he nodded, "she said that to me"
"She's great"
Connor nodded, "her partners a lucky guy"
"Partner?" Thomas raises his brows, "I hadn't heard"
Connor didn't reply.

Connor had been told the details of the interview between him and Ava and went on with his day, not seeing Thomas again.
He finished his last surgery for the day and wished up on his notes. Making his way down to the doctors lounge in the ED he picked up the stuff he'd left there.
The door opened to his left.
"Connor" Ava greeted him, changed back into the clothes she wore this morning.
"Ava, have you heard about our exclusive"
"Yes, I have"
"Why don't I drive you home?" She offered, leaning against her locked.
"I think we need to talk"

Ava sat in the drivers seat and took off her heels, changing into flats. Making no move to start the engine.
"Why does Thomas think I have a boyfriend?" She asked him.
Connor didn't meet her eye, "I may have given a certain impression"
"That is not your impression to give"
"He was flirting with you"
"He likes my work"
"He was flirting with you"
"Do you seriously not think I noticed that" she snapped.
"Maybe I just wanted to believe someone was actually interested in what I do!"

Avas head fell into her hand as her mussels relaxed.
"Connor, we're different people now then when we met. We wouldn't work" Ava breathed out tensely.
"Of course were different people, Ava. How could we not be?"
Ava exhaled through her nose. "Sometimes I wonder if we had done one thing different would everything have been different?" She said softly, running her nail along the steering wheel.
"I'm a good way or a bad?"
Ava met his eyes, "I- I don't know. I suppose that's it, you don't get to know"
"I'm sorry for making him believe you had a boyfriend. I won't meddle again" he apologised.
"But, Regardless of what this is I'm happy to have you at Mayo, at the least"
Ava smiled before starting the engine, "me too"

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