Chapter 39- Claire

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It was late when Connor woke, after ten. Late in the day for them to wake. He was disturbed by a knocking on the front door. Opening his eyes he found Ava asleep next to him, her back to him as she cuddled into the duvet, the soles of her feet on his calves.

Peeling himself out of bed he moved to answer to front door.
"Connor!" She beamed.
"Claire?" Connor stared back at her, "on come in, sorry I didn't expect anyone"
He scratched his head as she walked in.
"How are you?"
"Good, you?"
"I'm well, did I wake you?"
"Yeah, yeah you kind of did" he rubbed his eye, waking more with each word.
"Sorry, I thought you'd be up by now" she pressed her lips together.
"What are you doing here, Claire?" He got to the point.
"I just wanted to come visit"
"How did you get this address"
"I have my ways" she shrugged.

Ava wandered into the living room, dressed in Connors T-shirt and a pair of underwear.
"Connor, come back to-" She took her hand for her face, she met the other women's eye.
"Oh" Avas eyes went wide as she sped back into their room, slamming the door behind her. He met Claire's eye, with raised a brow.
Before they could say anything the bedroom door opened and Ava came out appropriately covered in a pair of Connor sweats and a hoodie.
"Hi" she pushed her hair from her face.
"Claire this is Ava, Ava this is my sister"
"Sister?" Ava repeated, looking to him.

"I know this is sudden, how about we all go for lunch? On me" she suggested.
"Yeah, sure"
"Great" she smiled. "I'll text you the location"
Connor showed her out, closing the door behind her.
"You have a sister?" Ava furrowed her brows.
"Yeah, I don't talk about her much. She was at the hospital a bit, in Gaffeny"
Ava racked her head, a few fuzzy memories of a forgotten sibling.
"I doesn't matter, I didn't say much about her anyway" he wrapped his arms around her.
"You'll meet her today away"
He kissed her cheek, "breakfast?"

Ava stared into her closet, suddenly feeling she had no clothes to wear.
"Connor?" She called, turning her head as he came in.
"You're not dressed?"
"What should I wear" she crosses her arms, the event making her nervous.
"Here" Connor began flicking through her clothes. He picked out a black skirt and brown jumper. "Try these two, maybe with some tights, I know how cold you get" Connor kissed her forehead, leaving to finish getting ready.

Natalie had once asked Ava if she ever felt uncomfortable that Connor did things like this, help her pick out outfits and apply her lipstick for her. Ava explained she didn't, she knew Connor wasn't controlling his actions, and she enjoyed the little things, like helping her choose what to wear or applying her lipstick like he and that first night.

Ava came up to Connor, finding his arms. "You look beautiful" he kissed her. Ava held his hands, "do you think she'll like me?"
Connor smiled at Avery's concern, "I'm sure she'll love you as much as me"
Ava wore the jumper and skirt Connor had pick. Accompanied with a pair of black boots, pearls and a trench coat.

They stepped into the cafe and Clair was already sat down. Connor pulled out a chair for Ava before sitting himself. Ava smiled politely at her and Connor slide a hand onto Ava's knee.
"So, when did you two meet?"
"We worked together in Gaffeny" Ava said.
Claire nodded, looking at the menu.
"The bacon and eggs are good" she said.
"Oh I don't eat pork"
Claire looked between her and Connor.
"They have avocado toast, Aves" he suggested, squeezing her knee.
"Oh yeah" she read further. "That sounds good"

They ordered their breakfast and Ava took a sip of her water. Claire watching her carefully.
She brushed her hair for her face, placing her hand over Connor's.
Their food arrived shortly after, tucking in. Ava burst the egg on her toast before slicing it. Catching Claire eye once more.

Connor excused himself for the bathroom, kissing Avas temple before he left.
"Did he buy it for you?" Claire asked.
"What?" Ava put her water down.
"The Birkin?" She clarified. "I thought it might have been for that Ariana girl, but I mean It must have been for you. He asked me to help him pick it out"
"Oh yes, he did"
Claire nodded, "I never liked that girl" she took a sip from her glass.
"He got me this" she held out the pendent, "for my birthday yesterday"
Claire smiled, "it's cute"
"I gather your relationship was somewhat controversial, with the hospital?"
"You could say that"

They stayed in a somewhat uncomfortable silence until Connor returned. He touched her shoulder as she sat down. "Will we get a coffee?" He suggested.
"Sure" Claire smiled.
A black coffee, vanilla latte and decaf hazelnut latte arrived at the table.
Ava warmed her hands on her mug, pressing her thumbs into it.
The discussion turned slightly more towards business and Ava found herself people watching outside the window.

"Will we head back?" Connor suggested. Claire paid the bill and Connor drove them home, slipping his hand onto Ava's knee she covered it with hers. Catching Claire's eyes on them in the back seat.
"How are you liking Rochester?" She caught her off guard.
"Fine, much quieter than I'm used to" Claire said.
Ava looked out the window.

They took the elevator up to their apartment, letting themselves in.
"Would you like to stay for dinner?" Connor offered.
"No I think I best be off, i have to be back in Chicago by tomorrow"
She pursed her lips, "Well it was nice to see you; even if I saw more then I'd expected"
Ava's face fell once Claire turned away from her.

They stepped into the hall and Claire looked to him with disapproval.
"I thought you'd moved past this" she rolled her eyes.
"What are you talking about?"
"New girls, never staying in a relationship and letting them crash at your apartment'
"This is Ava's apartment. I'm living with her"
"When did you start dating?"
"On and off a few years ago- She was 29, I was 35"
Claire's eyebrows rose to her hair line.
"29? She was practically a child Connor" she hisses
"How" Connor said dumbfounded.
"When she was twelve you were eighteen"
"Six years, Connor she's younger then me?" She argued.
"How did you two even meet"
"We met through work, which you'd know if you'd get to know her, and listen. And what was that! Why are you being so catty"
"How do you know she's not after your last name?"
"You do not get a say in what I do with my life, Claire" he finished, walking to the door.

"Hey" Ava greeted him, cuddled up on the sofa with a blanket. Connor relaxed at the sight of her and sat beside her, his arm around her shoulders.
He kissed her temple. "You were eavesdropping, weren't you"
Ava looked to him through her lashes.
"Your cheeks are flushed" he touched them, "you just sat down"
Ava placed her hand on his far shoulder, "It was hard not too. I didn't think she would see the age difference as an issue"
"You'd barely even notice it"
"Ignore what she said" he kissed her neck.

"When was the last time you two saw each other?" She said after a beat.
"Years ago" he wracked his brain.
"Your father's funeral?"
"No I didn't go to that" he said, tracing circles on her ankle. She furrowed her brows.
"With the autopsy and everything it was about two weeks later the funeral took place. At that point you were in the ICU"
"It wasn't some big political stand up, I was so fixated with staying by your side I just forgot, and missed it"
"Claire played it off as me having some big surgery, looked good for the family then. The selfless hero act"
"No, the last time we would have seen each other in person, would have been before you even came to med"

"Mhm" Ava looked him in the eye.
"When I was fourteen you were in medical school"
"Okey that's enough talking for one night Dr. Bekker" he picked her up.
Ava chuckled into his chest, looking up she met his lips.
"I love you"
"I love you too," he put his head on hers, "my girl"

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