Chapter 48- Guilt

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It had been a few weeks since Connor had come back from Minneapolis. He'd settled back into his life with Ava, but not without the underlying stress of this burden of knowledge. He was having trouble sleep since. Tossing in the night he rolled over to look at Ava. Her curls fanned out around her face. He touched her cheek and hair.
"I love you Ava. I'm so sorry"
He leaned over to kiss her forehead, Ava shifting in her sleep away from him. He curled into her side.


Connor rubbed his eyes, getting his first coffee at the day at the cart outside he made his way back to his office. His workload stayed the same, but his paperwork pace slowed. His mind wandering.

He watched her outside the glass door of his office. She laughed and smiled at something one of the residents had said to her, before she walked off.
Ava turned, catching his eye through the door she smiled to him, before turning away.
He need to tell her, this had gone in too long. Ava needed to know.

Connor made his way down the hall, walking through the ED for Ava. Planning to take her for a coffee to tell her.
"You okey Dr. Rhodes?" The charge nurse, Maria,  said from the nurses station.
"I was just looking for doctor Bekker"
"Oh she's in a pretty big case right now, I'd say she'll be int here for the rest of the day. I can tell her you were looking for her if she comes out for a break, but you know what she's like"
"It's fine, don't worry about it" he smiled, he'd see her later.
He was going to tell her once he got home.

Connor eventually finished his work, turning off his laptop at the end of his shift he went to Ava's office, the lights off and her coat gone.
"Hey Maria have you seen-"
"Dr. Bekker? She left for the day" she said.
"Always chasing that one, aren't you?"

Connor took his things and took the car home, parking int he carpark. He had a nervous chill over his, his heart rate high.
Did Ava know? Is that why she'd gone home early?
No, that would not be like her, she would have confronted him.

All this ran through his mind as he made his way up the elevator, the numbers rises as they went. "There you are, I was worried you'd stood me up!" Ava beamed, fixing her earring as she opened the door. "For what?" He looked to her floor length dress.
"Ini's Birthday" she said, squinting slightly.
"Did you forgot, you better not tell her that" she chuckled.
"Just a busy day"

"I left a little early to get ready, I went to stop by you but you were working"
Ava ran a hand through her hair, she wore an ocean blue dress with an open back and deep V neck. "I'm almost ready to go. I promise" she kissed him, squeezing his arm.
He couldn't tell her now.
"Yeah, I'll be right there" he smiled. He showered quickly, throwing on an open shirt and jeans.

"Look at that, I'm ready before you for once" she leaned playfully against the door.
"Are you okey?" She asked.
"Yeah of course" he leaned in. "You look beautiful"
"Lets go then" she took his hand.

The party was a small one at Ini and Victors house. Connor drove them, trying his best to keep up conversation as best he could with the growing pit in his stomach.
He stopped outside of their house. Pausing before opening the car door.
"Are you sure you're feeling alright?"
"You could have stayed back if your unwell"
"I'm fine Ava, truly" he touched her cheek.
She kissed him gently.
"I love you"
"I love you too"
They made their way to the front door and Ini let them in.
"Welcome!" She hugged them, "it's good to see you"
"Come in, come in!"

It was an intimate gathering with a few people from the hospital and Ini's friends from around the state. The garden was light up with fairy lights and tables.
Connor took a glass of champagne from the table, nursing it as he made his way around the group.
"I didn't know you were having a drink?" Ava appeared by his side.
Connor looked down at the glass in his hand. "Oh sorry- I didn't even think"
"It's fine" she shook her head, "I'll drive"
"Are you sure you're okey?" She said quietly, taking his hand.
"Im fine Avery" he kissed her forehead. "I'm just tense"
"Well that's something I can help with later" she fiddled with the collar of his shirt.
Connor smiled and she left his side. Taking a sip of his drink.

"Connor" Owen approached, "this is Jessica, my girlfriend"
"It's great to meet you" he shook her hand.
"She's a nurse in peds"
"Yes, I knew I recognised you! I worked with you on a CF case"
"Aaron Peterson, yes"

"I'll leave you two to catch up" Owen touched Jessica's arm.
He made his way to the drinks table. Picking up a glass of champagne before going up the steps to the porch.
"Being a bit of a wall flower, that's not like you" he joined Ava's said as she watched over the party.
"Who said I'm not?"
He offered her his champagne. "I'm driving"
"Does Connor seem, okey to you?"
"No, he's been weird since he went in that trip with his family" he sipped his drink.
"Yeah" she agreed, "maybe him and Claire got into a fight"
"Why, do you think there's something more going on?"
"I don't know" she watched him across the garden, "I just have this weird feeling"
"I'll try talk to him" he touched her back before leaving, finding Jessica once more.

Ava came down the steps to the grass and Victor brought out the cake with a 38 candle, kissing Ini's cheek. Ava found Connor's side and he wrapped an arm around her as they sang happy birthday to Ini. "My beautiful wife, Inioluwa" Victor kissed her.

The night came to an end and Ini and Ava said their goodbyes, Ava getting into the drivers seat with Connor. She put her hand on his legs before pulling off from the curb.
Connor took her hand, kissing the back of her knuckles.
Connor let them into the apartment, Ava setting her bag down on the counter.

"Ava, I really need to talk to you"
"Can't it wait?" She breathed in his ear, her cool lips on his skin. "Let me help you destress?"
His eyes lingering on hers, those lips, here in that dress.
He nodded swiftly, his lips on hers.

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