Chapter 8- Drill

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It was dark outside as Ava left the hotel, relaxing into her new position. Her bag at her side she wore a Mayo quarter zip under her jacket.
Lights flashed as she passed a parked car. "It believe we're going the same way, Dr, Bekker"
Connor flashed a smile from the drivers seat.
"I believe we many be" she stopped and stood.
"Grace me with your company?"
"Well since you asked so nicely" she shrugged, opening the passenger door.
Her blonde curl of a ponytail shaking behind her.

She nestled into her passenger seat with her satchel on her lap. Connor hand reached to her knee, only to turn on the heated seat for her as he pulled out of the car park.
"How are you sleeping" he asked.
"The mattresses aren't particularly soft, I figured that was right up your alley"
"Oh, yes. I'm sleeping like a baby, slight cabin fever I've been spending a lot of time in the hospital" she chucked, touching her brow.

They walked into the hospital together, making their way to the doctors lounge.
They put their bags away, "I need to talk to Owen, Ill see you around" he touched her arm briefly before leaving, taking a note from his locker.
Ava stayed to get ready for the day, meeting a friend.
"Hey, you're here early"
"Went to the gym, needed a shower before hand" Ini said, rubbing her shoulder.
"What's this?" Ava asked, looking at the envelopes stuck to each of their lockers. Ini peeled hers off.
Please find inclosed a push pin to be attached to the mural in the main lobby, to be placed in whichever city you call home.

Mr. Harris

Ava looked up to Ini, they dropped their bags and made their way to the main lobby where doctors were already gathering. She spotted Connor again and greeted him with a smile.
When they were close to the board Ini stuck her pin just north of Abuja.
"Oh I didn't know you were originally from Lake Michigan" Ava teases, Chicago already stuck with a few pins, forcing Connors into the lake.
"You know I love to swim" he met her eye.
Ava glanced away quickly, "Capetown?" He questioned, changing the topic.
"It did more for me then Johannesburg ever did"

There pagers buzzed on their hips.
"Dr. Rhodes you and me" she touched his arm.
They rushed to the ED entrance. They rushed with the stretcher to the OR.
"First surgery together" she said as they scrubbed in.
"Just like old times"


Ava and Connor made their way down to the canteen, collecting their trays.
"Hey how was the surgery" Ini asked as they approached the table.
"Good, patients recovering well"
"It was a long one" Owen commented.
"Gave us plenty of time to catch up" Connor smiled and looked to her.
Ini raised her eyebrow, "Connor and I worked in Med together, in Chicago"
"About two, three years ago now"
Ini nodded, "small world"

"Not when Ava's one of the best surgeons in the country. Your names everywhere"
"It is not"
His pager buzzed, "I'd have to disagree"
"I have to gate this, I'll see you later for our consult Avey. By guys"
He excuse himself from the table, taking his lunch with him.
Ini and Owen looking between each other.
"Avey?" Ini said bluntly.
Ava shrugged, "we were friends"
Owen raises his brow but kept his eyes to his potato salad.


Ava has been called into a second surgery and missed her consultation with Connor. She knocked on his door lightly, seeing the light on from inside.
"Aves" he took off his blue light glasses.
"For the ride" she set the cup in front of him. "And missing the consult" Leaning against his desk.
"You know you didn't-"
"I know"
He nodded, taking a sip of his drink.
"I'll drive you home, if you'd like. Or back to the hotel rather"
"No, I'm fine. Wouldn't want to get people talking"
Connor gave her a saddened look.
"I'm joking, I get off before you, then I'm stopping at Walmart" she pushed off his desk and touched his shoulder. Connor watched her go, taking a sip of his drink.

He drove home alone at evening, the sun set over the city he found himself stuck in rush hour traffic, his mind wandering not the empty sets next to him. It was later then he expected when he came to the car park. Most spaces already full he walked up to the hotel entrance. Most staff knew the faces of the doctors that stayed there. He pressed the button for the lift, the doors closing before opening quickly again.
"Oh hey" Ava yawned, swiping her work ID card against the lift buttons. "Didn't think to run into you here"
"Avey" he pushed her hand away gently.
"Sorry" she rubbed her eyes. "I'm so tired, I'm going straight to sleep"
Connor chuckled as she leaned back against the wall while Connor hit the buttons. Taking her bags gently from her, she didn't protest.
"I thought you were leaving early"
"Last minute surgery, I must have left just before you"
Connor frowned and looked into her bag. It was what you'd expect, tampons, chocolate, some breakfast things and whatever smaller items she could manage to keep cold in the mini fridge.

The doors dinged open in his floor and he stepped out, handing the bags back to her,
"Goodnight, Aves"
"Night, Connor"

Connor got changed and showered, washing the day away. He was loving Mayo, and the company he hand. He wore a pair of plaid pyjama shorts and a T-shirt. Relaxing into the bed he let his mind go quite.
He lay on his bed, the TV on low when a subtle smell came through the air followed by a loud screeching. Connor sat up suddenly, opening the door the smell of smoke wafted into his room. He could see other doctors doing the same as the smoke alarm rang out.

Connor rushed down the fire escape stairs accompanied by other doctors from the team, he made it down two flights when he stopped suddenly. Connor looked up the stairwell before turning quickly. He took the two flights up from his floor.
Colliding with who he was looking for he wrapped an arm around her. "Come on" he guided Ava to the steps and they rushed down them together, Ava running her hand down the rails as she went. Connors hand brushed her back as they reached the fire escape door and rushed into the cold.

All the doctors from med were outside in there pyjama's, stood shivering in the cold.
"Two more" Mr. Jones called and Ava looked behind her.
"Where's everyone else" she shivered.
"What do you mean?"
"We weren't the only people in the hotel"
Ava meant Owen's eye on the crowd who glanced around, seeing her point.

Five more doctors followed suit.
"That's everyone"
Mr. Harris stepped forward.
"Good Evening, I won't keep you to long. This was a fire drill, for the members of mayo clinic. The alarms were only set off in your rooms. We need to remain sharp, each and everyone of us at all times"
Ava gave Connor a look that could only mean, what the fuck.
"Dr. Barker and Dr. Tate, you did make it out here in record time" he noted.
"To the rest of you, I would suggest you improve"
There was a dead silence over the crowd as none made a response.
"Goodnight, rest well and I will see you all on Sunday"

Mr. Harris walked away and the crowd slowly dispersed making their way back to the hotel.
"I don't know what family you came from, but mine didn't have personal fire drills" Ini came to her side, muttering in a low tone.
"I know" Ava breathed, a shiver running down her spine as she crossed her arms to cover her chest.
"Oh, you're a Saffa, not used to the cold?"
"Nope" she shook her head, waiting to go back into the hotel.
"It'd get as low as freezing in the hills back home, and our house was high up. Over looking the city"

"My pyjama bottoms are getting dirty" Ini scowled,  lifting the ends of her trousers off the ground.
"I'm taking the stairs, I can't wait for a lift"
"Goodnight, Ava" they parted ways in the stairwell and Ava moved forward.
"Hey" she fell into pace with Connor just before the elevators. Her arms crossed over her chest. "Not many people taking them I see" he said, looking over her shoulder.
"No, I don't mind, I just want to get into bed" she smiled and stepped into the empty lift.
Ava leaned into the back corner, not taking her eyes off Connor.
"You came back for me"
Before Connor could reply the doors pinged open and three more doctors stepped in. Avas eyes fell to the ground. She left the lift without a word.

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