Chapter 40 - Phoenix

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Connor had been a light sleeper for as long as he could remember. A byproduct of his childhood.


Connor woke with a start to the yelling and sound of things smashing downstairs. Carlota would stay with the kids as long as she could, but it was nearing three am. She'd be home by now. Connor threw off his Thomas the tank engine covers and made his way down the hall. He knocked on the door. "Claire?"
She was curled up in the corner of the bed, the duvet up to her chin.
"Connie?" She sobbed, jumping as another plate or vase or whatever smashes. It would all be cleaned by tomorrow anyway.
He threw his little arms around her, "come here"
They cuddle together until the smashing turned to sobbing and the house went quiet.


Tonight was no different. He woke, looking around the room nothing seemed to be different.
He closed his eyes.
A soft "yeah" came over the room, barely audible.
He turned his head, Ava was up against the headboard, her head on her knees.
"Mhm? He's stable" she nodded, whipping her cheek.

Connor pushed up on his palms, wrapping an arm around Ava's shoulders.
"Okey, yeah. Phoenix, I'll see what I can do. Send him my loved"
She hung up the phone, slumping into Connor.
"I didn't mean to wake you"
"Talk to me?"
She looked up to him.
"Danny tried to take his own life"

Connor held her as she cried, smoothing out her hair soothingly. It was nearly time for them to get up to go to work. After some convincing Connor rang in that they wouldn't be in attendance today due to a bereavement.
They had flights book by that evening.

Ava anxiously bounced her knee, biting her lips as she looked out the window.
"Hey" he put a hand on her knee. "You're okey"
She nodded, taking his hand he kissed the side of her head.

They landed in Phoenix in the early hours, Ava wanting to go to the hospital before they checked in to the hotel. She rushed down the halls of the hospital, making her way to his ward.
"Carlyon" she spotted her.
"Ava" she wrapped her arms around her.
"How is he doing? I had my phone off for the flight"
"Its so good of you to come"
"He's still stable. He woke up. But he's not been to chatty" she pursed her lips.
"Can? Can I see him?"
She nodded quickly. "He's always happy to see you"

Carlyon opened the sliding door to Daniel's room. And shut it close behind her.
Ava was alone in the room with him, the lights dimmed.
She approached the bed, his head was turned away to the closed window.
"Danny" she whispered.
His head rolled to the side to meet her eye. He watched her for a moment.
"Hey" she collapsed into the chair next to him. Taking his hand.
"Your hair looks different" he said after a beat.
"Is that really what you want to talk about now"
"It's nice" he shrugged, no real emotion behind his eyes.
He went back to looking out the window.
"Where am I?"
She pursed her lips, "St. Josephs. Phoenix"
He looked at her, "I flew in" she explained, "this morning"
"I came as fast as I could"
He looked back to the window.
"Do you want me to open it?"
"It's awfully stuffy in here"
Danny didn't object.
She pushed back the curtains, filling the room with unobstructed light. She pushed open the window, it catching after just an inch. Narrow enough so you couldn't get out.
She let out a shaky breath.

The machines in the room echoed around her as she joined him once again.
"How are you feeling?"
"Im sorry" his voice cracks and face crumbled.
"Im sorry, I'm sorry"
"Hey, hey, hey" she wrapped her arms around him.
"I'm sorry Ava"
"Danny" "I'm sorry" "Danny!"
He stopped.
"My accident" she said softly. Shaking her head, "it wasn't an accident"
She squeezed his hand.
She watched the thoughts running through his mind.
"You- oh Ava"
She nodded, holding hims close.
"You want a coffee?" She suggested.

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