Chapter 7 The magic of the bond

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What kind of sick, cruel joke was this? First, he was a mortal, which meant that he would die long before I even got close to the end of my life. Second, he was the son of a witch hunter, potentially he was a witch hunter too and would have killed me if he knew what I was, and I was supposed to kill his father. And third, even with those two things making it hell, the worst part was that I would never ever be able to touch him. Whatever goddess that decided my life and fate had a twisted sense of humor.

When I had been younger, and still spent some time with the other witches in the coven, or well, when I had still considered Scarlet a friend, I had often listened to them talk about their future mates with anticipation. They would make guesses about who he would be. Magical or not. And if magical, what type of being? And when would they meet? Soon or was it still ages to come?

I had listened to their discussions with envy. Partly I had always thought I wouldn't have a mate, I didn't believe I deserved one. But most importantly, even if I had one, I could never truly be their mate.

So watching him and knowing I did have a mate was a complete shock. I should have been happy, but all I felt was resentment towards the Goddess.

"I'm Felix," he said and walked over to me, his hand outstretched.

"Zoe," I answered and took his hand. And I just wanted to rip my glove off and feel his skin against mine. It was probably all warm and smooth. But that could never happen.

"So, Zoe. Do you often look at houses and dream you could live there?"

I forced myself to laugh and then said another lie that crossed my mind. "No. I'm just visiting the town. Was at the university and wanted to take a walk and found myself here." Hopefully that wasn't too weird.

"Visiting the town? Like vacation?" He raised one eyebrow.

"Yeah. Old-timey towns are a favorite of mine." Well, at least that wasn't a lie.

"Are you alone?"

Oh, I just wanted to melt into his arms. The edge of potential jealousy in his voice wrapped around my heart. I wanted to kiss him and tell him I would never see another man than him. But that could never happen.

"Yeah," was all I said.

"No family, friends or boyfriend that wanted to tag along?"

I felt the blush slipping onto my cheeks and I looked away from him when I answer.

"No." I bit my lip as well as the other words that might would have come. How the only person I had in any of those categories was my father. Although I wanted him to know me, the real me, he didn't need to know how pathetic I was right from the start.

"Ah okay. Isn't it boring to see the town on your own, though?"

"Not really. I'm used to travelling on my own."

He frowned and leaned towards me slightly before straightening up again.

"Well, I know I'm practically a stranger, but I can give you my number. If you would want some company any of your days here." His cheeks went pink as he talked, and I felt my cheeks mirroring his.

"Ehm, I don't have a phone."

"Oh," he said and his face fell. The lovely smile he had worn washed away. "Okay. Well, I hope you'll have a good time."

He started moving towards the entrance in the fence. My mind was blank, not understanding his sudden change in attitude. And at the same time, it worked faster than ever before to find the right words to make him stay.

"I'm not just saying that. I really don't have a phone," I said hurriedly and thankfully he turned back to me. Eyebrows raised.

"You actually don't have a phone? Why do you not have a phone?"

I bit my lip again and saw how his eyes flashed to my lips for the tiniest of instances.

"I'm just not that into technology. That's all." And before he had time to ask any follow-up questions to that, I added, "You want to grab a coffee or something tomorrow?"

He smiled, basically an ear-to-ear smile.

"Sure! There's a really nice café called Roses and Pines close to Trinity College."

"Roses and Pines?" I asked. I liked the name. Well, I liked anything that had to do with nature.

"Yeah. It's really nice and cozy. There are others if you..."

"No, it's perfect! Eleven o'clock?"

"Sounds good. See you then," he smiled, and we had an awkward moment, grinning sheepishly at each other as both of us seemed unwilling to turn around and walk away. I wanted to say a proper goodbye somehow. A hug? Maybe a kiss on the cheek. But that could never happen.

Finally, I gathered my wits about me and started to leave. After a few steps I looked back, though, and he was still there, watching me as I disappeared. I raised my hand and wave a little while butterflies assaulted my stomach.

What the hell had I gotten myself into? This was bad. So bad. I knew how the mate bond worked. It would pull us in and make us crave each other. It obviously already worked its magic on him as well as me, though he wouldn't understand that. The bond would make us want to get closer to each other and solidify it. But that could never happen. Solidifying the bond meant sex and that required a lot of touching, which meant he would be dead before we even got started.

The smart thing for me to do would have been to leave the town and never see him again. But truth be told, I didn't think I had the strength to do that. Now that I had met him, I never wanted to let him go. My Felix.

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The Five Cursed Witches: Volume 1 - Zoe, the Witch of InnocenceWhere stories live. Discover now