Chapter 38 Friendly interrogation

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The beginning had gone much better than I had thought it would. Zoe didn't seem to mind Alex, in fact she seemed to so far like Alex. I felt that I was on edge, though, just waiting for Alex to say something wrong.

I had already noticed the first sign of it as soon as we had walked in. Alex's eyes had looked up and down Zoe's clothes in confusion. She had seen the outfit last time too, but she probably hadn't expected that Zoe would be wearing the exact same thing. The confusion had only been there for a second, however. She had caught my glare and readjusted her face. It had been there so short I didn't think Zoe even noticed.

But it had me worried. And especially because I knew Zoe could be considered very different due to her upbringing. Things that me and Alex thought of as obvious, wasn't for Zoe.

As soon as Alex had suggested ordering beer, I had seen that difference show up on Zoe's face. Her cheeks had immediately started turning pink, and I made a guess that she had never had beer. I wanted to ask her, wanted to confirm my suspicion, as well as the reason my head had created. It was something I probably should have considered earlier. She was so careful about everything, so of course she wouldn't have ever gotten drunk. Or had she and something bad had happened?

I made a note of it in my mind as something I wanted to ask her about while I requested water from the waitress as well.

As soon as the waitress was gone, Alex turned her attention back to Zoe. But before she could start, I spoke.

"Don't interrogate her," I said and took Zoe's hand in mine.

"I wasn't going to," Alex pouted.

"As if."

"It's fine, Felix," Zoe said at my side and I turned to her. She looked at ease, relaxed, and she smiled reassuringly.

"And it's not like I would interrogate her. But how do you get to know a person if you don't ask questions?" Alex crossed her arm over her chest and leaned back.

"Fine, you're right," I conceded and for the next few minutes, I watched and listened to Alex asking a question, Zoe answering and asking the same question back. Alex would answer and then go to the next question. It reminded me of a tennis match, only that there wasn't any tension in it. Maybe more like two people throwing a ball back and forth.

They got through the most standard questions, work, family, hobbies, before the beer arrived. Alex then poured all of us a glass each before she took her own glass and raised it.

"Cheers!" she said.

I watched Zoe bit her lip and then take the glass. There was a weak smile on her face as she clinked her glass with Alex's. I raised mine and clinked too, but I didn't drink immediately. Instead, I watched Zoe's face as she took a sip. She wrinkled up her nose, which made her look adorable, but also made it clear what she thought of it.

"You don't like it?" Alex asked.

"It's not really for me. I've honestly not had beer that much," Zoe answered with the blush returning.

"You should have said so! Do you like sweeter stuff? Let's get a cider!"

And before Zoe had time to protest, a cider had appeared before her. She once again looked hesitant, but her eyes became much brighter after a sip.

"I really don't get people that like cider. Way too sweet for me," Alex said, unaware of what Zoe's facial expressions actually revealed. That it likely wasn't only about the taste of beer, but also the taste of alcohol, which the cider would have less of than the beer.

"Berries and fruit are the best type of deserts," Zoe answered and took another sip.

"Oh no! A proper decadent chocolate cake is the best. But on to the next question, and it's perfect for now that we have alcohol. How many boyfriends have you had?"

Zoe had been in the middle of taking yet another sip and instantly choked on the cider and started coughing.

"Alex, come on!" I said, as I handed Zoe a glass of water.

Alex shrugged. "What? I don't think there's anything wrong with that question. It's not like it actually matters."

"None," Zoe said after a final cough, and Alex's face faltered.



Alex looked at me and then back at Zoe, and once again at me. She seemed to be stunned, completely speechless.

"How many dates have you been on?" she asked after having recovered slightly.

"Including with Felix?" Zoe took a sip and seemed to have calmed the initial embarrassment over the question. In fact, I swear I could see a teasing smile as she drank.



"What rock have you been living under?" Alex exclaimed before turning to me. "You better not be complaisant. In fact, all your dates should be amazing to make up for it."

I turned and smiled at Zoe. "I'll do my best."

The food came, and we ate while Alex continued to question Zoe, but it also quickly turned from questioning to just normal conversation. To my surprise, architecture was the topic they ended up spending most time on. It wasn't surprising that Alex was all for that, she was educating herself to become one while also working. But it hadn't been a topic I would have assumed Zoe to be interested in. Though as I listened, I somewhat realized that it wasn't architecture per se that interested Zoe, but rather the beauty of old buildings.

They got along well, which oddly enough didn't please me as much as I thought it would. Rather, I started feeling jealous and annoyed over that Alex occupied Zoe's attention. I knew that was a stupid feeling, but I couldn't shake it.

"I hope you two can survive without me for a little. I have to go to the bathroom," I said to get away and sort out my feelings a little.

Zoe immediately caught my eyes and the slight worry I saw in her dispersed the ugly emotions. I gave her a reassuring smile before leaving. They might get along, but Zoe was still more comfortable and happy with me around. That definitely made me happier than anything else that had happened that day.

 That definitely made me happier than anything else that had happened that day

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