Chapter 52 Food worth everything

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I was probably being very childish. Okay, not probably, I was being childish. I really couldn't help it, though. Having Alex come over and disturb our alone time got me annoyed. It was so different from the happiness I had felt over the attention Zoe had gotten at the market. They hadn't intruded but rather been spectators passing by, but Alex though... She would intrude.

I thought that feeling was probably made worse because I could see Zoe and Alex become really good friends in the future. But it was also just so weird. I had never had such issues in the past, no jealousy or possessiveness. If anything, it had been the other way around with my ex. She had thought me too laid back to the point of uncaring while she had always wanted all of my attention.

Maybe I had reserved all of those emotions for Zoe.

All I really wanted was to be alone with her constantly and well, most of all, it felt like the urges to touch her and kiss her and more became harder and harder to resist for each second that went by. I didn't know for how much longer I could stand not doing any of that.

Logically, I knew she was mine. Not in a weird, possessive way. I just knew I was the one she wanted to spend her time with. But an irrational part of me grew stronger, and that part wanted me to claim her in some way so everyone would be able to see that we belonged together. It felt like a weird primal instinct and I tried to ignore it because it didn't make sense, but the more I tried to suppress it, the stronger the feeling got.

"So, what are we having? It smells delicious," Alex said as soon as she had let herself in and entered the kitchen.

"It's almost done, so you'll know soon," Zoe answered as she took a quick look into the oven.

"And you haven't let Felix do any of the cooking, right?" She sat by the table in the kitchen and I sent her an annoyed look.

"He's helped me cut some."

"I don't know then. Maybe it's safer not to eat it."

"You know I can cook. Stop being stupid," I threw at her and took some of the things we had gotten dirty while cooking to wash them. "Do something useful, like setting the table instead, will you?"

I knew Alex rolled her eyes behind my back, but I chose to ignore it and focus on the dishes.

"So are you more willing to say what happened after you left, Zoe?" Alex pressed on while taking out plates.

"Like Felix said, there's nothing to say. We went our separate ways," Zoe confirmed my lie with a matter-of-fact tone.

"You two have to be the most boring people in the world. Come on, can't you give me something? I'm single and starved for romance," Alex complained, and she really started to get on my nerves.

"Since we can't touch, what do you think might have happened?" Zoe asked as she started to chop up some basil leaves.

"Oh, I forgot about that," Alex answered and sounded disappointed for a moment, but when she talked again, her voice was upbeat and curious once more. "But have you had some more staring into each other's eyes like you're the only two people in the world? Hey, have you two said the l-word yet? Considering how fast you've moved, it seems like you should have."

"Alex!" I exclaimed and turned back to her. In my hand, I held the knife I had been washing.

"Geez! Relax. Put the knife away," she laughed at me.

"The l-word?" Zoe asked and looked confused at me.

"Don't bother with her," I simply said and turned back, extremely happy that there were a lot of things me and Alex considered common knowledge that Zoe didn't know about.

Do I though? I thought to myself. Do I love Zoe?

I glanced over at her as she went back to the basil. Her movements were so fluid and beautiful. Not movements for cutting food, but movements like dancing. And in my eyes, she was perfect.

"I take that as a no then," Alex continued. "But okay, I won't be annoying anymore. Do you have plans for after food? There's an art gallery I want to go to."

"We're watching a movie," I answered brusquely.

"That's boring. You can watch movies whenever. You should come to the art gallery with me."

I wanted to swear at her again, but thankfully Zoe diffused my anger.

"There's been a lot lately, so I rather just have a quiet day. But thank you for inviting us."

"Fine. Be a boring couple together while the singles roam the streets."

Zoe put the basil into the sauce and mixed around before putting it on the table. She then checked the oven and took the food out before putting the apple pie we would have for dessert in there instead.

"So there's three different things," Zoe said as she put the food on the table. "Filled eggplant, filled tomato, and filled bell peppers. And a sour cream based sauce to it."

I could see the astonished look on Alex's face. That made me happy in a similar way that I had been at the market. Alex was impressed by my adorable Zoe.

"Damn, this looks really good," she commented.

"Hopefully it tastes as good," Zoe said and bit her lip.

Both me and Alex dug into the food like vultures and could quickly conclude that it tasted better than it looked.

"Felix, you better hold on to her! I don't care what you have to do. But just this food is worth everything," Alex said when the food was out.

Zoe blushed and shook her head at the comment, but she also had a wide smile and looked very pleased.

"Don't you worry," I answered Alex while looking at Zoe. "She's worth more than everything."

Zoe's blush deepened, and she got up to start cleaning.

"Hey. You cooked, so I clean," I stopped her. "You two can just go into the living room. I'll be there with the pie soon. Alright?"

"No, we'll help..." Zoe started, but Alex was quickly forward and grabbed hold of Zoe.

"If a man offers to clean, then let him. Come on."


"Stop being so sweet and nice all the time."

I watched as Alex dragged Zoe away and couldn't help but smile at how cute Zoe acted.

I watched as Alex dragged Zoe away and couldn't help but smile at how cute Zoe acted

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Author and Zoe wishes you a blessed Samhain!


Samhain is originally a Gaelic holiday and is the one that has evolved into Halloween.

Not gonna lie, I'm not one to dress up for Halloween. But any of you have any favorite Halloween outfits?

A type of food that screams autumn to me is pumpkin soup. Got any food that is a must to eat during autumn?

The Five Cursed Witches: Volume 1 - Zoe, the Witch of InnocenceWhere stories live. Discover now