Chapter 72 To trust a witch

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Leaving Zoe in that state felt extremely wrong. I knew she had to still be in pain and feel exhausted. But I also just had to check on my dad. I had only made sure that he still had a pulse before I'd left with Zoe. I hadn't even properly checked how badly I had hurt him. So before I could completely be there for Zoe, like she deserved, I just had to know that he would be fine.

I also felt that it was better to start trying to explain my decisions and try to make him change his mind as soon as possible. He wouldn't listen to me, that I knew. But holding off with the explanation would only lead to him having nothing but his own thoughts to draw conclusions. And if it was anything I had just learned, it was how that could lead to all the wrong decisions.

I drove back as fast as I could. A part of me was very hesitant the whole way. I knew well how brutal and unforgiving he could be, and I had just gone against him in the most major way possible. There was no telling what he might do. But there was also another part of me that felt certain, absolutely certain, that although he would be furious with me, he would not be of any danger to me. My certainty on that matter didn't make sense. He had never been against using violence to punish me, so it would stand to reason that he would want to do that now even more than ever.

I got out of the car and made my way to the front door. I didn't have to go far into the house before I saw him. He sat on the old red velvet couch in the living room. In his hand he held a glass of whisky and he didn't react when I walked in. He just kept staring forward at the black TV.

"Dad," I said to break the silence. "Are you alright?"

He moved the glass to his mouth and took a sip. He let the alcohol stay in his mouth for quite some time before swallowing it.

"Where is the witch?" he asked, still not looking away from the TV.

"Not here." My mouth went dry.

"And here I assumed that you simply had a small lapse in judgement and that you would be back with her in no time. I don't think I've ever been this disappointed."

"She isn't what you think she is."

"Not? Then tell me. What is she?" He took a sip again.

"She's... kind and caring. She isn't evil or bad and she was telling the truth. About everything. She loves me and I love her."

Dad put down the glass and leaned his forehead to his hand. He shook his head, but after a moment, his whole upper body started shaking right before a laugh came. The laugh was dripping in disappointment and sadness.

"She really got to you, huh? Your whole life I've tried to prepare you for situations like this, but I failed."

"She didn't do anything to me," I insisted. "I'm not under a spell. I love her because she's a good person with a good heart. Can't it be that all witches aren't bad?"

He finally turned to look at me. I could see dried blood in his hair and I was surprised by how tired he looked. He almost seemed hollow.

"What do you know?" He shook his head. "You're still too naïve."

"Can't you just be open to the possibility that you're wrong? Just because she's a witch it doesn't make her..."

He slammed his hand on the table, and I took a step back in shock. The tiredness he had exhibited was gone and anger took its place.

"I've heard enough of your nonsense now! Tell me where she is so I can finish her before she harms anyone else!" he demanded.


"Felix. Tell me before you'll have to live with guilt and regret!"

"She isn't bad," I continued to try to reason with him. "I don't think all witches..."

He stood up and grabbed the glass from the table at the same time. He threw it and it shattered on the doorframe to my left. Instinctually, I took one more step back.

"If your mother could hear you now!" he shouted at me and I froze.

Mother... He had never mentioned her. I knew absolutely nothing about her. What had happened? What did she have to do with the conversation? Had she... had she died because of witches?

Dad seemed to realize what he had said because he took a step back before breathing deep breaths.

"I decided to trust a witch once," he admitted, and I looked at him, not knowing what to think or how to react, but somehow it felt like it was the first time I actually saw him. "It was the biggest mistake of my life. Don't repeat my mistake."

There was a pure pain in his voice that I wouldn't have thought him capable of. He had always just seemed so cold and detached. Whatever had happened had to have been awful. But that didn't change the present. That didn't affect my feelings for Zoe.

I shook my head. "You're wrong. I'm not repeating your mistake. I know I can trust Zoe with my life."

I turned to leave before he could say anything else.

"Come back here right now!" he shouted after me, but I kept walking. "Felix, stop! You don't know what you're getting yourself into!"

I ran out the front door and to my car. Dad kept shouting at me, but I didn't listen.

"Stop! I can't lose you too," I thought I heard him yell as I shut the car door. In the back of my head, the words shocked me, but I didn't let that stop me from leaving. If anything, it made me want to get back to Zoe even more. I wanted to hold her again and just feel that everything was and would be okay.

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