Chapter 60 The text message

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I had sunk onto the mattress Felix had slept on while hugging the stuffed animal bear to my chest. The mattress still smelled slightly of Felix and I let that be my comfort as the bear swallowed the remaining of my tears. Surrounded by his scent, the negative spiral my thoughts took me on slowly calmed enough for sleep to take me.

When I woke up, the sun shone in on my face. For a moment, I stayed in bliss and let myself think he was in the room with me. But the emptiness of the room was a glaring fact of reality.

The sleep had calmed me though. It was the same calm I had felt before seeing the Priestess and it came with the conviction that my death would solve all issues. I just needed to make it right. It had to happen before Harry Jackson reached my father and he had to be aware of my death. It also had to look for the coven as if Harry Jackson was the one that killed me. That should make them be afraid enough to leave him and Felix be.

The calmness settled, and I started to think about how I could orchestrate it when a weird and unfamiliar sound, a high beeping, echoed in the empty room. It took me a moment to realize what the sound was, but as soon as I did, my heart went frantic and I scrabbled to my feet.

It was the phone that Felix had given me.

I didn't remember where I had put it so I tore through the whole room in search of it. The leftovers from the breakfast got spread out all over, but I didn't care. All I cared about was finding that phone and I prayed to the Goddess that the sound had been a message from Felix.

I finally found it lodged between the cushions in one of the armchairs and as I opened it, the letter symbol had a one at it. As I went to open it, the screen on the phone turned dark.

I pressed all buttons on the phone to get it back on, even slammed it lightly against the floor, but to no use. Tears made themselves known in my eyes as I felt that sudden ray of sunshine disappear. Then I remembered that Felix had said something about the phone needing electricity at times. He had given me a cord for it, and I started searching again.

It had ended up under the bed, but as soon as I found it, I unraveled the cord and plugged the smaller end into the phone and the bigger into the wall. Once again, I started pressing buttons to get it on. I knew Felix had told me how, that there was a specific button to press, but at that moment my brain wasn't calm enough to remember.

When the screen finally was lit again, it asked for a code. He had told me that too. He had picked it and told me. I forced my brain to slow down for a moment to remember. What had he said? What number combination had he thought I would never forget? As I remembered, I smiled. The date of when we had first met.

After entering the numbers, I could finally go into the messages and read it and the sun shone brightly in my whole body. He wanted to see me.

My imagination started running wild before I had a moment to stop it. In my head, Felix had calmed down and thought things through and decided that me being a witch wasn't a problem at all. That he forgave me for lying and that he understood why. That he wanted us to run away together, find the house with the garden we had fantasied about and just be together.

I knew that probably wasn't the case. The way he had looked at me and the words he had spoken had all been too intense. But the fact that he wanted to see me and talk to me had to be a good thing. At least he was willing to hear me out.

I typed out a reply and was about to press send when a thought hit me. He had suggested a place, a park, that would require him to leave his home, and that meant he would be vulnerable to the coven. But I also doubted he would welcome me to his home.

Make sure to wear an amulet.

I added that one sentence. I figured that as long as he wore one of them, he would still be sufficiently protected.

I chewed on my lips while waiting for a reply. It didn't take long.

See you in an hour.

I couldn't stop smiling. It wasn't over. Maybe, just maybe, he would forgive me. And if he did, we could together work towards solving all the problems. I could tell him everything, how we needed to find a way to protect both of our fathers as well as ourselves. In a dream scenario, Harry Jackson would be convinced that not all witches were bad as well and we could be one happy family all together.

What a blissful dream that was.

Before I left, I did a quick cleaning of the hotel room. I knew that the chance of Felix coming back with me was probably very slim, but for just in case, I wanted it to look presentable.

So a few spells later, it looked impeccable. I then cast the cleaning spells over myself and also made sure to mend the broken glove. As soon as all of that was done, I teleported myself to the park he had said as the meeting spot, even though I knew I would be way early.

But I just couldn't wait. If I had to just sit still in the hotel room, I would have gone insane and probably thought a million thoughts. Waiting in the park wasn't much better, however. The only good thing was that it gave me a bigger area to pace, as I imagined all the different ways the conversation could go. All from everything ending happily to it ending worse than the day before.

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