Chapter 17 Wonderings

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Zoe had tried to insist she could walk back to her hotel, but I wouldn't hear it. If nothing else, I wanted to drive her just to be around her for a little longer.

We didn't say anything while I drove. I had turned the radio on and soft music filled the silence. But it didn't matter that we didn't speak. It wasn't an awkward silence. Instead, it felt rather calming and content. I could have been in that silence with her for much, much longer, but too quickly we arrived.

"I... I had fun," she said, and I felt how her words warmed my inside. The pure joy she had exhibited earlier, when she had finally managed to make the axe stick, that would be a memory I would cherish for the rest of my life.

"I'm glad," I answered. "Do you want to have dinner with me tomorrow?"

I watched as she bit her lips, and a flicker of fear crossed her face. It made my heart grow heavy. I had thought that her reluctance had disappeared. Apparently not.

"Felix," she said in a soft and sad voice that broke my heart. "I'm still not sure this is a good idea."

"Will you lie again or actually leave town this time?" I couldn't help the bitterness that seeped into my voice. She must have heard because she started to furiously shake her head.

"I won't. But... A part of me is hoping you'll come to your senses."

I rolled my eyes and let out a sigh. "You'll have to wait a long time for that."

She looked down to her knees, her fingers fidgeted with the fabric of her dress. Uncertainty and fear oozed out of her, and I knew she hid something else. Something that she was sure would make me change my mind. I couldn't phantom what that could be.

"I'll pick you up at six thirty," I stated before she came with more protests.

She gave me a weak smile. "I'll see you then."

There was a moment of awkwardness after that. I wanted to lean in and kiss her goodbye, and it took all of my willpower to not give in to the urge. From her way of remaining there, I guessed, or hoped, that similar thoughts went through her head. Then she looked away from me, biting her lip again, before turning to the car door. And with that, she got out of the car.

I didn't drive away until she had disappeared into the hotel. She was utterly breathtaking. I knew I could spend all day just looking at her.

I couldn't help but to be a bit surprised I made it home in one piece. The whole drive, my mind had been on Zoe. Not dwelling on what I knew I had to start process properly, but just let myself remember her beauty.

As I got to my room, my thoughts had wandered to how it had felt to have her pressed against me. I was sure that if she hadn't moved away when she had, I would have pressed my lips to her skin.

Her skin...

I couldn't wrap my head around what she had told me. Not only because I hadn't heard about such a disease before, but also because her skin looked so perfect. How could there be anything wrong with it? It explained a lot of her behavior, though. But she also had to get over it somehow. Okay, so I would get sick if I touched her skin. But it would be worth it. And if I touched her often enough, wouldn't I become immune to it? I couldn't imagine never getting to feel her skin.

With a pang, I realized a thing. When had the last time she had actually let someone touch her skin been? For how long had she deprived herself of the comfort a human touch could bring? Surely her dad had to be immune to it, so she at least could get proper hugs from him. Or was she too scared to let him? When had the last time she had let someone properly comfort and take care of her been?

I felt my heart break for her. Zoe, so beautiful and gentle and selfless. So scared and concerned. What kind of life did she actually live?

And then the certainty of that she had another secret came into my mind. What could that possibly be? She had told me about the illness, so why hadn't she said whatever the other secret was? I thought it could be related to the illness because it didn't completely make sense to me. It was such an odd thing and since I had never heard of anything similar, it was hard to believe it. If anyone other than Zoe had told me about it, I probably wouldn't have believed it. But for some reason, I had an inexplicable trust in her.

So what more could she be hiding? It couldn't be worse than the illness.

Could it?

But what could possibly be worse? Was she a serial killer?

I laughed at the ridiculousness of that thought. I knew there were a lot of things I didn't know about Zoe, but I was certain she wasn't capable of something like that. Hell, if she was interested in harming people, she would have worn as little clothes as possible, not have covered up.

My mind went back to her body and I could help the curiosity I felt by what it might look like without her shield of clothes. She was petite in every way, so much I had gathered, though the skirt of her dress fanned out at the waist, hiding her curves there. The top of the dress was more like a corset, and that showed off her petiteness. Her hips had also seemed small under my hands.

I wondered if she had ever shown herself naked to any man. A woman's past sex life had never been something that I cared about. But a wave of excitement course through me at the thought that I maybe could get to be the first man to see her, touch her.

At once, fantasies flooded my mind. Thoughts of kissing every part of her body. Taste her. To hear her moan and shake in pleasure as I made her orgasm over and over again. To be inside of her. Feel her warmth and wetness.

I had sat down on my bed and now I leaned back. Unbuttoned my pants to let my hard cock out. I started stroking myself. My eyes closed and mind filled with images of what I wanted to do with Zoe.

"Felix! Come to my office!"

The voice came from the intercom. There was one in most rooms of the house, Dad's convenient way to summon me.

"Fuck," I swore under my breath.

I gave myself a minute to get ready to leave my bedroom, a minute to calm down, though nothing had the ability to make you go soft as fast as being interrupted by a parent, before I made my way to Dad's office.

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The Five Cursed Witches: Volume 1 - Zoe, the Witch of InnocenceWhere stories live. Discover now