Chapter 27 Pure and innocent

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I dodged and hit his hand away at the same time.

"Don't touch me!" I yelled in a shrill voice, attracting the attention of everyone around us.

"I'm sorry, Zoe," Felix said immediately. "I know I shouldn't have. But I just..."

The anger that had been in his eyes just seconds ago had completely disappeared and anxiety had taken its place. Anxiety, which I was sure was mirrored in my face. I could still feel the spot, that one little place of my cheek, that his finger had almost touched. Had I reacted just a fraction of a second slower, he would be dead now. 

I was numb. I couldn't feel myself at all. Not my heartbeat, or mind, or breath. All was paralyzed, frozen, by fear. Except that one spot, which instead was scolding hot. 

"Is everything alright here?" A server that looked to be in his early thirties had come over to check on us. Definitely a result of my yelling.

"It's fine," I said and forced my body to function again, forced a smile in the server's direction to calm him, but I could see how he still looked warily towards Felix.

"Are you sure, Miss?" he pressed on. He looked between us, his eyes lingering on me, went down my body, seemed to take in how I was dressed.

"I'm certain," I said in a firm tone.

He looked me up and down one more time. Then he sighed and nodded before leaving us be. I turned back to Felix, only to see that there probably was another feeling to deal with now. His narrowed eyes followed the server. His whole body was tense. Jealous. He was jealous. 

I sighed. Well, since the server was gone though, hopefully that emotion wouldn't be an issue, so I focused on the more important thing.

"Please, realize the danger in touching me. Please," I begged him, but he only shrugged.

"I would get sick. So what?"

"You would die! Please Felix. I never want to hurt you. I only ever want what is best for you. I..." Tears formed in my eyes and I really didn't know how to continue. He stretched his hand out to take mine, but by reflex I withdrew it.

"You can't keep on doing that," he told me in a restrained voice. "I promise I won't try to touch your skin again without your permission. But let me hold your hand at least."

I bit my lip, but relented. I gave him my hand, and he held it tight in both of his. It made calmness flow through me. His touch, even as it was, seemed to have the magical power to make all things bad feel long forgotten, and as I looked into his eyes, the same seemed to hold true for him.

"Fuck," he mumbled. "I wanted today to just be fun and carefree."

I let out a short and soft laugh. "I'm not sure that is possible with me around."

He looked into my eyes as if he tried to see through me. See all of everything that I tried to hide from him. I looked away, because the intensity of that stare frightened me.

"I don't think you realize how wrong you are in that aspect," he said. His tone was firm, as if to leave no room for contradictions, but at the same time gentle. "This might sound weird, but you have a happiness that's almost childlike. It's just so pure and innocent."

I snorted. "I think you got that backwards."

"Or we just manage to bring that out of each other."

He smiled and pressed my hand lightly. We looked into each other's eyes. His eyes worked on me like a magnet. Pulled me towards him. Made me feel light as a leaf, with a heart as fast as the colibris wings, and a mouth as dry as a desert. He was so close, yet so far away, and the only thing I wanted to do was the last thing I ever could do.

"You want to get out of here? Take a walk?" he asked and thankfully broke the spell between us.


"Just got to use the bathroom."

He got up, and I felt my head spinning from all of the emotions inside of me. I took the bear and held it in one hand. Tried to concentrate on it, see all of the different aspect of it, to disperse all of the feelings bubbling in me. But all I could think about was that I wanted to feel Felix's lips against mine. Or actually, just simply his hand in mine, with no glove between us.

"Hey, are you absolutely sure that you're alright?" The voice brought me out of my head, and I turned to look at the server that had taken Felix's empty seat.

I gave him a reassuring smile. "Yes. It really wasn't what it probably sounded like."

"You don't have to be afraid of him. Is he hurting you? I have a contact within the police that can help you out," he pressed on.

I frowned and started to get annoyed. "Thank you for your concern. But he would never hurt me."

The server was still not convinced and because I hadn't expected it, he managed to grab hold of my hand that didn't hold the bear.

"I understand that it can be hard to leave an abuser. But I'm here to help you."

"Could you let go of my hand?" I asked and tried to pull it out of his grip, but he held onto me too hard.

"A beautiful girl like you deserves the world. Is he forcing you to wear this? Have he got you stuck in some weird cult?"

I felt a shiver running down my spine from his words and the way he looked at me. What I had interpreted as worry just moments ago suddenly felt like something else.

"You got it all wrong. Please, let go of my hand."

I dragged more forcefully, but could feel my hand starting to slip out of the glove, so I stopped. But I also knew that I needed to make him stop holding onto me by the time Felix got back or an ocean of jealousy would be let loose on this man. Though maybe he deserved that, considering how he licked his lips and his eyes lingered on mine. My stomach started turning.

"Let me help you. I'll take good care of you."

"Let go of me!"

"What's your name?"

"You seem to be a deaf idiot. She asked you to let her go."

I turned my head and saw that Felix was back and his eyes were murderous, his body tense.

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