Chapter 15 The illness

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The restaurant was rather small with mainly tables for only two people. We didn't say anything as we sat down. We both just looked over the menu and gave our orders to the waitress. We were still quiet as she came with our drinks and placed them in front of us.

I knew I was the one that should start the conversation. I was the one that had the explaining to do, but I just didn't know how. My sweet and perfect Felix made it easy for me, though.

"What is actually up with your clothes?" he broke the silence. "Is it the only clothes you have? Or is it a fashion statement? Or a political one about the objectification and sexualization of women?"

His words had an amused tone to them, and I knew he tried to lighten the mood. He tried to say that he wasn't as mad anymore, or that he at least was open to hear me out before judging. I probably would have laughed if it hadn't been for the true reason.

I bit my lip. "Neither. I... I have an illness."

"Illness?" he echoed.

"Yeah," I said. I wanted to tell him the truth, but since I couldn't, I quickly found the closest thing to the truth that I could say. "It's a skin disease."

"So your skin is sensitive to the sun, or?"

"No." I looked up from the grease spot on the red and white checkered tablecloth I had examined to meet his eyes. "It's a very rare disease. It doesn't really hurt or effect me. My body is sort of immune to it, I guess. But if someone else touches my skin, they become sick."

I saw as he processed the information. How the frown deepened and then slowly disappeared. His eyebrows went up and his mouth opened a little as he continued to stare at me.

My heart raced and my fingers smoothed out my perfectly straight dress over my legs repeatedly.

"So you cover up to protect others," he finally said.


"That's... That's very selfless of you."

It was my turn to frown. "Selfless?"

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure a lot of people wouldn't care, or at least not be willing to sacrifice such a thing for others."

I snorted, not understanding how such a thing could make me selfless. If anything, I was the opposite of selfless. I had done so many bad things over the years for nothing other than my own gain. Covering up was the least I could do. "I'm sure they would after having seen what could happen otherwise."

At that moment, the waitress returned with our food. I turned to my plate to have an easy reason to avoid Felix's eyes.

"That's why you are so reluctant to physical touch," he said in a complete matter-of-fact voice.

I choked on my food, which made me cough a few times and then empty a glass of water. How had he noticed that? Was it so obvious?

"You okay?" he asked and, as if to prove what he had just said, he moved his hand to touch my gloved one. By reflex, I pulled it away.

"Yes," I said and kept my eyes fixed on my pasta dish.

"I won't get sick if you are covered in clothes where I touch you, right? So why won't you let me?"

I just shook my head as a thousand things that could go wrong if he did started listing themselves in my mind. A thousand things that would lead to his death.

"Why not?"

"It's... It's complicated."

Now he snorted. "Right. Well, then tell me why you lied to me. I assume it has something to do with your illness."

I raised my eyes again and took in the state of him for the first time since coming face to face with him. I had noticed from a distance that he looked sick, but close to, he looked even worse. He really was pale and the bags under his eyes were very prominent.

"You look sick," I pointed out.

"I just haven't slept that well," he shrugged. "And don't try to change the subject. Tell me."

"Are you sure there's nothing else? Have you been having a fever?" I pressed on.

"I'm sure. I really just haven't been able to sleep. You don't have to worry," he answered and gave me a gentle smile that melted my heart. "Tell me instead. Why did you say you were leaving town?"

I took a deep breath. "I have already once killed a person I love by accident. I can't let that happen to you too."

"Love." The word left his lips in a whisper and I felt the blush spread across my face. Thankfully, he didn't linger on my choice of word but continued. "Killed? But you said people only get sick... Your mom?"

I nodded.

He tried to take my hand again, and I retracted it. Instead of giving up, he sighed and reached for my arm, forced my hand up so he could hold it.

I felt the tears pressing in my eyes. How could he possibly be this kind to me?

"You shouldn't," I said. "It's better for you if you stay away. So much could go wrong. Please, Felix. It's safer for you to stay away from me."

"But I don't want to." There was a certainty in his voice and burning fierceness in his eyes that made me shudder.

"I... I'm not good for you. I'm all wrong. I don't even have the strength to do what's right." I said it more to myself than him really, but his hold on my hand tightened.

"Zoe. Never say things like that about yourself. Never even think them. Your illness isn't who you are and it is not your fault."

"It is who I am though," I said with a sad smile. "I can't live a normal life because of it."

He didn't answer straight away and for a moment, I thought he had finally understood. The thought both pleased and tortured me.

Then a boyish grin spread across his face.

"Let's eat up. Then there's something we should do," he said and let go of my hand to start devouring his food.

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