Zoe's only wish is to be able to run barefoot through grass, but she knows it'll never happen. Ever since she was born, she's been unable to touch anything living without it instantly dying. It's a curse she would do anything to get rid of, but that...
I called Alex as soon as I woke up the next day, which was after lunch time. Me and Zoe had talked some more before I had taken her back to her hotel. But when I had come home, I hadn't been able to sleep. I had repeated everything that we had said to each other in the park over and over again in my head. Done my best to memorize it all. Dawn had broken before I had finally drifted off to sleep.
Then I had wonderful dreams. Me and Zoe in light summer clothes, each of us holding a hand of a little girl that I somehow knew was our daughter Ivy. It had been so beautiful and happy and how I hoped it was a dream that could come true.
Though far from yet. I hadn't even thought about kids ever before and as much as I would love to have a bunch of daughters just like Zoe, it was far from something I was ready for. Or at least that's what I thought.
I had spent some time just remembering the dream before getting up. At first, I felt that the daughter would have to wait at least ten years into the future. But the more I thought about it, the sooner I wanted her. That precious little girl that I imagined would be a small version of Zoe. Our little Ivy.
Damn. Things had really changed for me since I had met Zoe.
Alex picked up on the first tone.
"Remembered to call me finally? Did you ask her?" she answered the phone.
"Just got up. Didn't sleep until late last night," I admitted.
"Ooooh! Tell me all the juicy stuff!"
I rolled my eyes. Of course, she would immediately think that.
"Nothing juicy happened. Alright? I just couldn't fall asleep."
"Come on, really? As if I would believe that! So tell me how the sex was, or do I need to drag it out of you?"
I felt my cheeks heat up. That was exactly why I didn't want Alex to meet Zoe. Alex would, without doubt, press Zoe for similar things, and I didn't want Zoe to be put on the spot like that.
"We didn't have sex. I dropped her off at her hotel before midnight."
"Geez, boring," she yawned theatrically. "How about kissing, though? How was it kissing her? All that you imagined?"
"Shut up! It... We didn't. Stop being so immature." She was getting more and more on my nerves, especially because I really wished I had something like that to tell her.
She laughed at the other end. "What? Didn't know your dad's business was rubbing off on you. Are ya'll kids in catholic school leaving space for Jesus?"
"What the hell, Alex! Stop being so damn annoying. I'm hanging up now."
"Wait wait wait!" she yelled on the other side. "I'm sorry. Just... Why are you being so weird? Never mind. Did you ask her about meeting me?"
"Yeah. But just because she agreed, it doesn't mean I'll let you," I answered, feeling more reluctant than ever.
"Oh, come on! I'm your best friend and she's your... Your something. Of course we have to meet. I promise to behave. Okay! I won't grill her or anything."
I sighed. Honestly, I knew I had to introduce them sooner or later. I might as well rip off the bandage.
"No weird questions?" I asked.
"Pinky swear."
"That includes sex and kissing and her clothes."
"Her what?"
"Her clothes," I repeated. I knew I would make Alex curious by saying that, but I also knew that if I didn't, she definitely would ask. If Zoe decided to tell Alex about her disease or not was up to her. I didn't want Alex's pestering questions to be the reason.
"That's weird. But okay. Fine. I won't. When can I meet her?" Alex just rambled on, taking it all in stride and seeming way too excited about meeting Zoe for my liking. It made me think she wouldn't behave, not even try to. That she, in fact, had something planned.
"Dinner at Pint of Pines?" I asked.
"Sounds good to me. See you!" And she hung up.
I couldn't help but wonder if I had just made a mistake. But if I had, it was too late to take it back.
Instead, I got up properly. Showered and ate something quick. I was about to leave for my car when I stopped and open a drawer. I rummaged around a little before finding what I was looking for. A pair of leather gloves. I didn't like the idea of wearing them, but I knew it would help keeping Zoe calm.
So I put them on before getting into my car. I hadn't told Zoe any specific time I would be over. But she had said that she didn't plan to do anything in particular, probably just rest. I was excited about seeing her again, and wanted to get to spend some time with her alone before meeting up with Alex, so I made my way to the hotel, thinking about where to take her before dinner while driving.
We would be able to have a couple of hours before meeting up with Alex, and from what Zoe told me during our first cup of coffee together, I quickly decided what I wanted to show her.
I got to her hotel room and was just about to knock when I heard voices inside. I couldn't hear what was said, but I got an ominous feeling in my gut. And then, just as I was about to knock, there was a loud crash.
"Zoe!" I yelled at the door and knocked hard. "Zoe? Are you okay?"
I heard a laugh from the inside. A cold and mean laugh that made my hair stand on end.
"Open up!" I yelled and knocked again.
"Just... Just a minute!" I heard Zoe's voice from the other side, which settled my nerves a little. They settled even more as she finally opened the door, but I could see that her smile was forced.
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