Chapter 11 Goodbye

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My heart beat as fast as the rain in a summer storm at the same time as it stood still like a frozen winter lake. I had enjoyed his company too much, forgotten what I actually needed to do. But now it was time for it.

I carefully removed my hand from Felix's.

"I have to leave," I said instead of answering his question.

His eyes widened. "Oh, okay. You want to do something later? Or tomorrow?"

I shook my head and forced myself to keep on looking into his eyes. "I mean that I have to leave town."

It was quiet for a solid ten seconds.

"Why? You just got here yesterday, didn't you?"

"Yes. But I can't stay here."


"I just can't."

I tried my hardest to not let my eyes waver, but the sadness and confusion that came off him made it impossible. So my eyes fell, and I focused on a part of my cup that was chipped.

"Okay," he said slowly. "I know we barely know each other, but is there any way we can keep in touch?"

"No. I..." It was my chance to reject him. To sever the bond and make everything that was to come much easier. But my heart was already broken into a million pieces and I couldn't even get past the first words.

"Can you look at me?" he asked after another long silence and I complied. I did my best to keep all emotions out of my eyes, but I must have not succeeded considering his next question. "Are you afraid of something?"

A thousand things. Constantly. Of myself. I want to tell you and explain it all, but I simply can't.


"What is bothering you?"

The very concept of never seeing you again. If I could have it my way, I would hold on to you and never let you go. You are my other half and I'm not sure I'll be able to keep on going without you now that I've found you.


"Zoe..." He stretched out his hand, to touch my cheek I was sure. I watched his hand came closer, waited to see if it would stop. But it didn't, so I wrapped my hand around his wrist and held on tight, moved his hand away from me.

"Don't," I simply stated. My resolve came back to me, as well as the strength in my voice. I couldn't be weak. All of this was for him, to protect him, to make sure he didn't die. I couldn't waver. "You will never see me ever again. This, having coffee with you today, was a mistake on my part. I'll be gone within the hour."

I let go of his hand and stood up. Turned around. Started the painful walk away from him.

"Zoe, wait! At least tell me why you have to leave."

The whole café seemed to have gone quiet. Everything was frozen and waiting to see what I would do next.

I turned back, hoped he wouldn't see the tears that started to build up in my eyes.

"Goodbye, Felix. Stay safe."

I rushed from the café before he could say another word. I knew there was a risk that I would change my mind if he did.

As soon as there was a turn in the street, I took it and hoped that he hadn't seen me turn. Thankfully also, the alley was empty, so I summoned the little strength I still had and teleported myself into my hotel room.

The Five Cursed Witches: Volume 1 - Zoe, the Witch of InnocenceWhere stories live. Discover now