Chapter 28 Ocean of Jealousy

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"Fuck," I mumbled to myself. "Fuck, fuck, fuck."

I knew I shouldn't have tried to touch her. I knew she would flip. But simply the thought of her maybe considering leaving again had my heart shattered to pieces. I just couldn't take the thought and I wanted nothing more than to prove all of her worries wrong.

But at that moment, that wasn't even the worst part of my emotional turmoil. I had wanted nothing more than to kiss her. Hell, I wanted to do so much more than that. If I could have had it my way, I probably would have kissed her and then taken her away from there. Taken her back to my place and peeled off her clothes, every single layer of them. And then kissed her whole body. Kissed her and opened her up to all of the things she had denied herself for so long.

But I couldn't and I knew I needed to calm myself down before I went out to see her again. Both my thoughts, my heart, and a certain body part that had started to very much wake up.

"Fuck," I said into the mirror one more time before washing my hands. I had to find a good pair of gloves. That way I could at least get to touch her cheeks, albeit with fabric in between. It wasn't what I wanted. Far from what I wanted. But that at least could lessen some of the distance between us.

I left the bathroom. Not entirely calm, but at least calmer. That, however, changed as soon as I saw her again.

Opposite of her was the nosy, sleazy server and what was more, he held her hand. Held Zoe's hand. My girl's hand!

I had never been particularly jealous. Never prone to anger or more violent desires. But, as with all emotions when it came to Zoe, that was very different when it was about her.

Mine, my head screamed as I imagined breaking all the bones in his hand.

I walked over and the bit of the conversation I heard managed to calm one part of me, but it angered another even more.

"You got it all wrong. Please, let go of my hand." The fact that she clearly rejected him drowned a smudge of my jealousy, but the fact that he didn't listen, the fact that I could see her trying to get out of his grip but not managing, and that he obviously had lust in his eyes, intensified my anger by a thousand.

"Let me help you. I'll take good care of you."

"Let go of me!"

"What's your name?"

"You seem to be a deaf idiot. She asked you to let her go." I was finally close enough and after having said that, I grabbed hold of his arm and pulled.

Probably due to surprise, it was easy to drag him away from her and to standing. I positioned myself between the table and him, between Zoe and him.

"Shit man, take it easy," he said and held up his hands as if surrendering.

I let out a low laugh. "I don't know what the fuck you think you were doing, but don't you ever dare try to touch my girl ever again."

"Your girl? Dude, she doesn't belong to anyone." He crossed his arms over his chest and looked at me with a defiant look that made me want to laugh again. As if an asshole like him had any right to stake any claims on my beautiful Zoe.

"So you agree on that? Then why did you not let her go when she asked?"

"Whatever," he huffed. "I'm not going to get in the middle of this. You clearly got her well trained."

I grabbed hold of his shirt with my left hand and raised my right to punch him. But before I could, a hand wrapped around my wrist.

"Let go, Felix," Zoe told me in a low and steady voice. "He isn't worth it."

I held still for a few deep breaths, let the feeling of her hand on my wrist calm me, before I let go of him and turned. I took Zoe's hand and got ready to leave. We only came two steps before the jerk spoke again.

"Fucking insane asshole."

I was ready to let it go, to keep on walking out with Zoe, but to my surprise, she stopped and turned around.

"That's right! He's an insane asshole. But he's my insane asshole. So don't you ever dare call him that again," she said and as she said it, the air around her shifted.

Nothing actually really happened, but still something very noticeable happened. It was as if she managed to build in invisible wall around her. Though not a wall. It was as if she exuded a previously unseen aura. Almost so thick that it was possible to touch and strong at that. It made me shudder, and I saw how the man's face turned pale.

Then she started walking out again with a firm grip on my hand.

As soon as we got out, I stopped her. Really, I wanted nothing more than to kiss her right then and there. For several reasons. The aura was still around her and it seemed vicious and angry and, frankly, it scared me. She didn't seem like my Zoe anymore. It felt hateful almost, and that wasn't like her. I wanted to make sure she still was my Zoe. That she still had her sweetness and innocence there and for that anger and raw power to retreat.

But also I wanted to make sure she was mine. It was a stupid possessive thought, but the anger of seeing another man touch her was still there. I really wished I could somehow mark her as mine. I wanted the whole world to know that she belonged to me and I belonged to her. And somehow my primitive brain told me that a kiss could do that.

I had some sanity left in me though and instead I simply pulled her into a hug.

"Felix, don..." she started protesting.

"Fuck Zoe, just be glad I'm not pressing my lips against yours," I cut her off, and that seemed to do the trick. She even leaned into my embrace, wrapped her arms around me and held onto me as tightly as I held onto her.

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