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Saturday, 8:34 AM 

TW: Medication, depression, boy x boy

John woke up early in the morning, feeling a sense of anticipation. He knew it was going to be a great day. As he got dressed and had his breakfast, he couldn't help but notice the world around him - the way the light filtered through the window, casting a warm glow on everything in the room; the sound of the birds outside, chirping merrily as if to welcome him to the new day.

As he set out for work, John couldn't shake the feeling of happiness that had settled in his heart. He decided to skip his medication for the day, wanting to see if he could go through the day without them. He knew it was a gamble, but he felt confident.

John Laurens was a man of few words unless you were his friend, but his affection for animals spoke volumes. He had been working at Ripley's Aquarium for almost three years now and had grown to love his daily routine of feeding the turtles. He adored the way they swam around him, eagerly waiting for their food and the way they poked their heads out of the water as if to say thank you. 

The sound of the water echoed around John as he walked, a bucket of food in hand. The turtles were always eager to be fed, and John couldn't help but smile as they swam around him, their flippers pushing against the water. 

Jefferson had given him some cooked chicken that morning before he left for work. John was looking forward to sharing it with his favorite turtle, Spot. Spot had a special pattern on his shell that made him stand out just a tad more, and John loved him for it.

As John made his way up the ladder to the turtle tank, the sound of his footsteps echoed through the quiet room. The tank was filled with crystal clear water, and a soft blue light shone from the ceiling, casting a calming glow over the turtles. Even before John reached the tank, Spot, his favorite turtle, sensed his presence and swam up to the glass, eager to greet him. John's face lit up with a warm smile as he affectionately placed his hand where Spot was, feeling the cold glass against his palm.

Taking out his lunchbox, John opened it slowly, revealing the cooked chicken that his friend Jefferson had given him. The chicken was still warm and tender, and the aroma filled the room. The smell of the chicken wafted through the air, causing John's stomach to rumble. John took a piece of chicken and held it out to Spot, who eagerly waited for his treat. Spot's eyes were fixed on the chicken, and his mouth opened wide as John lowered the chicken into the water.

Just as John was about to feed Spot another piece of chicken, his supervisor, Embel, burst into the room. Embel's voice was stern and harsh, causing John to flinch in surprise. "John! You know you can't be giving Spot free food!" Embel scolded him, reminding him of the rules. John was startled, and to his surprise, he dropped the chicken into the water. Spot wasted no time and gobbled it up, leaving John feeling a mix of amusement and disappointment.

"What? I didn't give him free food! He just somehow managed to put his head in my lunchbox and took out the cooked chicken." 

His supervisor, Embel, replied, "I don't think Mr. and Mrs. Camera would agree with that," he said pointing to the cameras that were looking right at the two.

John laughed, trying to brush it off. "Well, Mrs. Camera wouldn't be happy to know that Mr. Camera has been looking at Mister Camara a lot lately." But deep down, he felt a sense of despair and hopelessness creeping back in. 

As the day wore on, John felt more and more trapped in his illness, unable to escape the endless cycle of medication and misery. He couldn't help but feel a deep sense of sadness as he went about his day, wondering if this was all there was to life. The aquarium, once his happy place, now seemed like a prison. And even his best friend Jefferson's kind gestures couldn't shake off the feeling of despair that clung to him like a shadow.

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