11~Easy mark~11

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TW: Bmc & Heather's reference, Francis being a horrible person, cussing, mentions of self-harm, self-harm, medications, kissing, and jokes about being on drugs/high, mention of suicide (If you listen to the songs) also jokes about porn It's a dramatic chapter yes.

Play the song above in the sixth paragraph of this chapter also, play this when it's the second right here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TSN4IYsv_6s I'm too lazy to hyperlink it.

Friday 12:03 A.M.

John, knocked on the door, the door of the man who cheated on him, the man who broke his heart and smashed it into many tiny pieces. When the door opened Francis smiled at John, who only gave him a glare in return. "Where is he?"

"Do I not get a hello at all, I was the one who told Charles Lee the plan without me, Charles Lee would have made you eat your turtle," Francis looked at John with a grin he opened his door further revealing John's turtle in a tank.

"Oh my god my baby, are you okay? I'm so sorry for whatever happened to you" John said grabbing his turtle out of the tank and rubbing him gently. "What do you want for him?" John looked at Francis trying his best not to punch him.

"Just for you to take me back, for you and me to be a thing again, that's all I want"

"Do I have to tell people we are dating?"

(Right here) "Yep, I just want you back John, I'm sorry for what I did to you," Francis said with sympathy in his eyes, John sighed and debated his options, Be with the man who broke his heart, or have his heart broken by his turtle's death.

John looked at Francis then at his turtle then dashed out of the door, 

Well, he tried to, Francis grabbed John by his arm, making John fall backward, his turtle was in his shell not daring to move. "John, if you go out of that door, I will make sure that your turtle is not the only thing that will be hurt."

"You know, if you were still my boyfriend, I would find that hot, but the circumstances are like, really bad," John said getting off the floor and dusting himself off. He knew Francis wouldn't hurt his turtle, he was just trying to get to John, it wasn't working but still.

"John, I'm sorry I really am, I didn't mean to hurt you when it happened it was all in the moment," Francis said putting his hand on John's face his thumb rubbing John's lips "I'm sorry for everything I did to you, but don't you want a life with me?"

John hated what was happening right now, and so did the turtle, he snapped at Francis.

Francis's eyes were glued to John's as he grabbed the turtle from his hands and placed it in the tank. His heart was racing as he tried to win John over. "John, please forgive me," he said, his voice soft and pleading. "I can make things right. We can be happy again, just like we used to be - the picnics, the outdoor dates," he continued, his eyes never leaving John's face.

John remained silent, his gaze fixed on Francis's. He was trying to hold back the anger that was boiling inside him. He couldn't believe how easy it was for Francis to mess with his feelings. He looked at Francis, his eyes were cold, and his expression was blank. "So, before you fucked everything up?" he asked, his voice devoid of emotion.

Francis nodded, his eyes still fixed on John's. "Mhm, we could buy some summer clothes, and go camping," he suggested, his hand reaching out to brush John's cheek.

"Play some poker," John said, his voice a little warmer as he allowed himself to be drawn into the fantasy.

"And we'll eat some chill fries, go back to prom night," Francis continued, his movements slow and deliberate as he led John backward.

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