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TW: Homophobia, Mention of Suicide, Suicide Baiting, Mentions of Self-harm, Bully, Charles Lee, and just, look above you.

I'm sorry,

John watched as Samuel and Charles Lee followed George Washington to his office, he felt useless, just like when his mother died, he didn't know what to do. He went to study hall and sat down he didn't do anything but sit there and study for the next test he and Samuel were talking about earlier today. Everything was fine, he had taken his medication, Jefferson had put his ponytail up amazingly, and his turtle was extra friendly to him today as well.

The only problem was that it was his birthday so that meant Charles Lee was going to bully him, but that problem was taken care of as well. He got in trouble with George Washington so that was amazing too, John loved today, It couldn't get any better. He was also finally able to forgive himself for his mother's death, he knew it wasn't his fault. John let out a deep breath of air, he felt amazing nobody could tell him otherwise.

Charles Lee ruined that mindset within ten seconds.

Charles Lee slammed his hands on the table John was sitting at and laughed when John Laurens flinched "I thought you got in trouble with George Washington? Why are you here?"

"Please, my parents don't care, I was bullying one of you guys," Charles Lee said laughing.

"Could you leave me alone?"

"It's your birthday can't I just wish my former best friend a birthday? And remind him how his mother killed herself on his birthday?"

"No, you can't if all you do is tell me to kill myself"

"I wasn't going to do that today, I was going to talk to you about how everyone you love is leaving you and that you should just stop trying, nobody loves you and it would be better if you died with your mother and your brother." Charles Lee said smiling innocently.

"I hate the fact that you think you can walk all over me, that you think you can just say shit like this I get away with it, you know why I stopped being friends with you? Because you say shit like this, you don't care for people's feelings then you just chose to walk over people like it's nothing. I hate you," John said pushing past Charles Lee and going to his next class, he didn't look back he knew that Charles Lee and his friends would kill him, but he didn't care.

"Your dead meat Laurens!" Charles shouted.

John walked into his classroom, feeling uneasy as he noticed everyone staring at him with disbelief. He took his seat next to Alexander, the only class they shared besides lunch. Even Alex seemed to look at him strangely. After a moment of silence, John asked, "Why is everyone looking at me weird?"

Alexander hesitated before responding, unsure of how to explain the situation. John had been so caught up in his conversation with Charles Lee that he had forgotten about the possibility of others being in the same room, it was study hall after all. "You do know who you just talked to, right?" Alex finally asked.

John's face went pale as he realized the gravity of the situation. "Yes, Charles Lee?" he whispered.

John shivered, trying his best to suppress the memories. He couldn't believe he had even talked to someone like Charles Lee, especially about something as personal as his mother's suicide. "John, you know that everything you said to Lee was recorded and posted on the internet, right?" Alexander said, his voice full of concern.

John's eyes widened in horror. He had never been one to curse or say anything inappropriate, but in that moment of vulnerability, he had let his guard down. His father would be furious if he heard him cussing. When Alexander didn't respond to his question, John put his head down and sighed.

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