
63 2 444

TW: Mentions of Bulimia, sex jokes, Mentions of Francis, and fainting

Thursday: 6:39 AM

Peggy stood by the cash register, her yellow nails tapping softly against the cool, smooth, probably plastic counter. 

She hummed a tune in her head, waiting for the door's bell to ring, for someone to take longer than needed to ask for a hotdog. 

The air was thick with the scent of stale popcorn and hot dogs, and Peggy could feel the slight chill of the air conditioning against her bare arms. 

She had painted her nails a bright yellow, and they grazed softly against the surface of the counter.

"Business is slow, isn't it love?" Maria said from behind her. Peggy recognized the sweet scent of Maria's immense flower perfume and the soft, angelic quality of her voice. 

Maria leaned in close, resting her chin on her yellow-nailed lover's head. Peggy felt the warmth of Maria's chin on her head and the soft touch of her hands as she rubbed Peggy's shoulders.

"You're tense dear, what's wrong?" Maria whispered in Peggy's ear. 

Peggy felt a shiver run down her spine, and she wondered if Maria could feel the tension in her body. She tried to relax and let out a soft sigh.

"Just waiting for someone to come through that door," Peggy responded, a soft smile playing on her lips. She felt a sense of comfort with Maria, and her anxiety began to fade away.

"Did you do all the homework that's due this week?" Maria asked, her voice barely above a whisper. 

Peggy felt a knot form in her stomach. She had forgotten all about her homework, and the guilt was starting to creep in.

"Yeah, I- of course, I have. Why wouldn't I?" Peggy rushed out her words, hoping that the bell would ring and she'd have an excuse to leave. 

She felt the chill of the air conditioning against her skin, become cold. And they sell the faint scent of Maria's perfume, overwhelmed her.

But Maria could tell when Peggy was lying. 

"Peggy?" Maria questioned.

"Yes?" Peggy asked, hoping that the anxiety in her mind wasn't creeping into her voice.

"You know," She moved her hands to Peggy's back, "I can tell when you're lying."

Peggy felt a pang of guilt. She knew that she should have done her homework, but she just couldn't focus. 

"I know, I'll get it done, I promise," Peggy muttered, her voice like a sea filled with empty promises.

She felt the coolness of the counter against her fingertips, feeling like they were freezing off, maybe they were trying to give themselves to someone who deserved it.

Who wouldn't wait to do their homework at the last minute

"You're wearing my perfume," Maria dug her nose into Peggy's neck, tickling her softly. The warmth of her breath made Peggy smile.

Peggy giggled, feeling somewhat satisfied at the changed topic, yet, her laugh was hollow, expressionless.

She felt blank, like a white online document that was due in a week, that barely had ten characters on it.

Peggy needed to do her assignment, but she just couldn't. It was almost like her brain wasn't working properly.

Why was her brain not normal?

Maybe she came out wrong.

The atmosphere in the room was eerily quiet, except for the muffled sound of someone's headphones, and the sound of a broom sweeping. 

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