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TW: Cussing, 

Yeah, that's it-

Thursday: 9:43 AM

Peggy's eyes fluttered open as she felt the gentle touch of someone's lips on her. She sat up from the couch, feeling the warm sunlight streaming through the window and the soft fabric of the throw pillow against her cheek. Still feeling groggy from her nap, she greeted her partner with a hoarse "Hey love."

"Hey, James is safe before you ask, Thomas picked him up. When I got home you were passed out on the couch, did you finish your homework?" She asked, planting a tender kiss on her forehead.

Peggy's stomach lurched when she saw her backpack sitting on the table, its contents spilling out onto the surface. 

She knew that she hadn't finished her homework yet and decided to text Alex for the answers.

Before she could do so, her partner leaned in and kissed her again, "Come on, Peggy, work work"

Peggy couldn't help but force a smile at the playful gesture, feeling the warmth of her partner's lips against hers.

"I'll text Alex for the answers," Peggy said, connecting their lips again.

Maria, Peggy's close friend and confidante, laughed softly as she walked into the room.

She sat down next to Peggy, and Peggy felt the soft cushions of the couch give way under her weight. "Leave that poor man alone, he's already getting an hour of sleep, you should've seen the bags under his eyes, I think he and John got into a fight,"

Peggy could almost feel the weight of exhaustion tugging at her eyelids as she spoke.

"They're dating?" Peggy questioned.

"Yeah, for like, a couple of days," She rested her head on Maria's lap, feeling the softness of Maria's pants against her cheek, and feeling a warm sense of comfort and security wash over her.

Peggy felt a pang of guilt in the pit of her stomach as she thought about her unfinished homework. 

She could feel the heaviness of the guilt weighing her down, like a stone in her stomach.

"Ugh, I feel so bad. I should've finished my homework instead of taking a nap," Peggy said, feeling the knot in her stomach tighten.

Her partner placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, and Peggy felt the warmth of their touch seep into her skin. 

"It's okay, Peggy. You can still finish it now, with Alex's help. I'll take a shower, see you soon,"

Peggy nodded, feeling grateful for her partner's understanding. 

She picked up her phone and began to type out a message to Alex, feeling the smoothness of the phone's screen under her fingertips.

As she waited for a response, Peggy couldn't help but feel lucky to have such supportive people in her life, people who made her feel safe and loved.

&🏳️‍🌈PeGAY🏳️‍🌈: Yo, you got the answers?

💗Bisexual 💜mess💙: That depends, did you do the work?

&🏳️‍🌈PeGAY🏳️‍🌈: No but I would be happy if you gave them to me :))))

💗Bisexual 💜mess💙: I'm good, do it by yourself

&🏳️‍🌈PeGAY🏳️‍🌈: Don't be homophobic Alex )))):

💗Bisexual 💜mess💙: Peggy, you have the mental capacity of a three-year-old. I'm not listening to anything that comes out of your mouth.

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