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Monday: 8:35 A.M.

TW: Depression, mentions of medications, kissing, and Boy x Boy.

John sat quietly in the chair as Jefferson styled his hair for the day. Madison curled up in a ball fast asleep on Jefferon's shoulder, and a bowl of mac and cheese was on the table beside them. The small white dog that roamed around the room looked on with curiosity at James's parakeets, which were confined to a cage. John had his turtle in a cage, which he was planning to take for a walk later, perhaps during lunch. The room was silent, with Jefferson's gentle hands putting John's hair up in a ponytail. It may have seemed insignificant, but John needed to get his ponytail just right, and Thomas was the only person who could do it to his liking. Well, maybe his mother came in first, but why would you want someone who is no longer alive to do your hair? John thought to himself, trying to shake off the unpleasant thought.

"John, you okay? You seem to be spacing out a little," Jefferson added with a fake chuckle, his face showing concern.

"I'm fine, Jeff, just thinking," John replied, trying to sound as normal as possible.

"Make sure to take your medication before you leave for class. I have a glass that can be filled up with water for you, just say the word," Jefferson added before pulling a curl out of John's low ponytail and placing it next to his eyes. They did this almost every weekend before class. John took some night shifts at his job so that he could attend college. He would do anything for those animals, even if it meant losing a few hours of sleep. 

John was about to get up, but then his phone rang, and he picked it up, smiling at Alexander's text.

Alexander Hamilton, Alexander Hamilton~

❤️Alex❤️: Guess who just passed out from doing too much homework? This guy 👈.

Jefferson saw the heart emojis and practically squealed with excitement. "You have a crush, oh my god. Who is it? Does anyone know what your contact name for him is? Is that Alexander, as in Alexander Hamilton, as in the dude who is in my debate team, as in the dude who I have a frenemy relationship with?" Jefferson asked trying not to move a lot with Madison.

"One yes, I do, two Alexander, three no,  well hopefully not four, I think so. Does he have amazing hair and eyes you could get lost in? Wait, Thomas, help me out. What do I say to him?"

"Ask him if he's down for hanging out later today, during lunch. You can take him out if you're quick enough."

🐦John🐦: Well, maybe I can take a little of that workload off your shoulders? Do you want to hang out with me during lunchtime?

❤️Alex❤️: Of course, where do you want to go? Maybe the river we met up at last time?

John's heart sank. That was the last place he wanted to be; it was full of unwanted memories, painful memories that he didn't even remember. But he would do it for Alexander.

🐦John🐦: That sounds amazing. How about a picnic? I can bring some food, and you can bring the picnic things, or we can switch, and you can bring the food, and I can bring the picnic things, or you don't bring anything at all. I'm fine with that too! I can bring everything. I don't mind! 

John sent it, then regretted it. Was that too needy or pushy? He groaned and laid his head down on Jefferson's lap. Thomas Jefferson, being the great friend he is, grabbed John's phone and read over the texts. Trying his best not to laugh, Thomas coughed to try and play it off, but it did not work at all.

"I'm sorry, John, but we both know you can do better than this 'You don't bring anything at all. I'm fine with that too?' You're reeking of desperation," Thomas said jokingly, but it went straight to John's heart, and he just lowered his head.

"John, go take your medication now, okay? I'll text him for you," Thomas said, patting John's shoulders, John got up and left into the kitchen. Thomas sent quick few texts and then put the phone down beside him. 

Jefferson couldn't resist gazing at Madison as he peacefully slept on the couch. He shifted his body to lie down next to him, being careful not to wake him up. As he snuggled up against him, he couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with love for him. He placed his head on the armrest and savored the rich, creamy taste of the mac & cheese, letting out a contented sigh. From time to time, he planted a gentle kiss on the top of Madison's head, forehead, lips, and cheeks feeling grateful for having him by his side. 

"Sweetheart, I love you so much," Jefferson whispered, kissing Madison's lips again and again.

Madison's eyes fluttered open, and he smiled at Jefferson. "I love you too," he replied, snuggling even closer to him. 

Jefferson kissed him again and again, feeling grateful for their loving embrace. They spent the rest of the evening enjoying each other's company, exchanging kisses and sweet words of affection. Their love was boundless and pure, and they knew that they were meant to be together forever.

That lasted two minutes until John came back into the room, 

John did as he was told, feeling slightly sadder, guess who still needed to take his medication? This guy.

"What did you text him?" John asked, curious as to what Thomas had come up with. 

Jefferson was lying down, his head on the side of the couch and Madison pressed up against his chest, while Jefferson ate a bowl of his mac & cheese.

"Here, take a look for yourself." Jefferson handed John his phone, and John's face lit up with excitement and joy.

❤️Alex❤️: I'll bring the picnic. I'm not the best at cooking. Maybe you could show me that animal thing you did yesterday?

🐦John🐦: Of course, see you there.

❤️Alex❤️: Is 12:34 A.M good for you?

🐦John🐦: It's perfect for me!

Alexander sat on his bed, looking at his text. He had typed "Great, it's a date!" but then deleted it, thinking it sounded too needy.

❤️Alex❤️: Great, see you there!

John couldn't help but feel a sense of emptiness as he read the text. He knew that this picnic would only bring temporary happiness, and the memories of his past would continue to haunt him. But he had to try to make it work, for Alexander's sake. He couldn't bear the thought of losing him too, just like he had lost everything else in his life.

As John got up to leave, he couldn't help but feel a wave of sadness washing over him. He had lost so much in his life - his mother, his siblings, his friends, and even his beloved pet dog, yes he had one. The only thing he had left was his love for animals, and a few of his friends, this had stayed with him since he was a child. It was the only thing that gave him purpose and kept him going.

 As he walked to his next class, he couldn't help but feel a sense of numbness. He had been through so much in his life that he had become desensitized to pain. But he knew that he couldn't keep living like this forever. He needed to find a way to heal and move on, but he didn't know where to start.

As he entered his classroom, he saw Alexander sitting in the back, smiling at him. His heart skipped a beat, and he knew that this was a chance for him to find happiness again. He smiled back and walked towards him, ready to start a new chapter in his life. But deep down, he couldn't help but feel that this was just another fleeting moment of happiness and that he would soon be left alone again.

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