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TW: Francis, slight intimacy, yelling, mentions of ED, blood, telling someone to off themselves, and unwanted touching


Tuesday: 10:26 A.M.

John looked at his phone and it was Francis, of course, it was, John couldn't have one happy thing in his life. John picked up the phone to be yelled at slightly by Francis for not picking up the phone sooner. 

In short, he needed at the principal's office, "I, have to go, Alexander, I'll see you later." John said with his voice full of regret, he didn't want to leave, but Francis, his boyfriend, someone he was, correction, needed no, had to be in love with.

"I'll see you later Honning" Alexander replied softly, lifting his head off of John's shoulder, and letting go of his hand, "Could we maybe meet up later?" Alexander asked a pleading look in his eyes.

"Of course Lexi," John smiled, then grabbed Alexander's hand and kissed it softly "Till we meet again Chéri," John added, winking at Alexander.

"I bid you adieu!" Alexander professed, watching John walk out on him, Alexander felt his heart shatter quietly when John was no longer there. He had walked out on him, just like everyone else did, how everyone else left him, without a second thought about what Alexander wanted.

Alexander's thoughts were interrupted when someone sat next to him smiling, "Hello, you seem lonely, what's your name?" A familiar voice asked, grabbing Alexander's hand without asking, making Alex flinch almost.

"Alexander Hamilton, my name is Alexander Hamilton, what's yours?" Alexander asked, moving away from her touch only for her to put her head on his shoulder, and pretty much stop his hands from moving, Was this how John felt when Alexander grabbed his hands, trapped?

"Elizabeth Schuyler, but most people call me Eliza, or Liz," She said smiling.

John walked to George Washington's office, looking down in shame as he sat down, "I'm so sorry..." John started only to get interrupted.

"I and you both know you had every right to put your hands on him, John, the school board would say something else, but then again Charles Lee's dad paid them to keep their mouth shut," attested George.

"Why would he pay for me?" John asked, in confusion.

"I told them if he didn't pay for you then I would still write it down, and when he asked a teacher to give you something  they refused, a lot of people care for you John, even if you don't think so." George looked at  John and smiled softly, "That's all, see you later be gone student!" George joked.

John got up and left, a smile on his face that was stuck on his face like glue, well until Francis texted him.

Francis: See you at your dorm in 10 minutes okay Johnny?

John: Of course, see you there <3

John rushed into his dorm room to find Madison on the couch curled up in a blanket, playing chess on his phone. "Sup John," Madison said, not looking up from his phone 

John walked to to couch falling face first onto the couch "James's, Thomas is at book club, before you ask, no he didn't tell me, but if you go to the library he'd be there with everyone else at book club." John said before James could ask.

"I thought you slept at Francis's?" James asked, trying to start up a conversation.

"I was, but then I left for the gardening club, but then I got called back to the principal's office, and now I finally made it home," John replied, sitting up and watching the TV with James.

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