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TW: Kissing/slight intimacy, implied sex, slight yelling, implied abuse, and Francis being Francis

Tuesday: 3:29 A.M. 

John woke up, in a familiar room, an arm wrapped around his waist tightly, John's face was being pushed onto Francis's chest making it hard to breathe. It was clear Francis was not letting John move or escape anytime soon. "Franny, could you please let me go, you're hurting me," John pleaded, the wounds Francis left him hurt deeply.

"Please shut the fuck up John," Francis replied rather harshly, his grip on John tightening the smell of Francis's cologne suffocating John, drowning him.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to complain," John muttered, moving his head slowly, finally being able to look at Francis, John started to kiss him slowly, trying to make Francis happy. This works, and Francis's grip on John loosens as he forces his tongue into John's mouth, 'you're fine, you tense up and he will notice and yell at you,' John thought to himself silently.

A phone interrupted the both of them and Francis scoffed, picked up John's phone, and ignored it, kissing John again. "You need to start putting your phone on silent, it's getting annoying," complained Francis, giving John less than a millisecond to catch his breath.

Francis was moving down to John's neck, and the phone interrupted them again, John let out a sigh of relief as Francis picked up John's phone. Francis placed it down again and looked at John, "John's busy Alexander," Francis said, trying to make it clear what he and John were doing.

Francis put his hand under John's shirt and they got interrupted again, this time it was Francis's phone he grabbed it and lovingly looked at John. "Charles needs me, me and you are going out to eat soon,"

"I might have plans, could we do it tomorrow or maybe a rain check?" John asked softly.

"No, if you truly felt sorry for yelling at me yesterday, you would do it," Francis replied, in a passive-aggressive way.

"Francis I don't-" John said, getting interrupted again, a pair of rough lips touched his neck rather harshly, Francis's nails digging into John's leg and back, "I mean, sure of course, I don't mind," John mumbled quietly.

"That's what I thought, you do owe me I can't find your turtle anywhere, I was probably just going to hurt you, but now that you're thinking correctly, I changed my mind, now get out, Charles is meeting me in here," declared Francis, letting John go, he put his clothes on and when he saw John put his clothes on he pushed him harshly out of the door.

John walked down the hallway of his dormitory, the sound of his footsteps echoing throughout the empty corridor. He couldn't help but notice that it was oddly quiet, and the kitchen cupboards in the dorm area were left wide open, revealing empty shelves where food once stood. 

John felt a pang of annoyance wash over him, but he pushed it aside and made his way to his room. After a quick shower, John dressed in a long-sleeved black jacket, a green turtleneck, and black shorts. The outfit reminded him of his recent garden date with Alexander, and he couldn't help but smile softly. He had fond memories of spending time with Alexander surrounded by nature's and Alexander's beauty.

As John checked the time, he realized he was running late for his gardening club meeting with his friend, Thomas. He dashed out of his dorm and ran down the hallways, the sound of his footsteps echoing through the space. He finally made it to the forest hangout, where Jefferson, another member of the gardening club, was already there, watering the flowers.

The area was breathtaking, with blooming flowers of every color and chirping birds. John and Thomas had discovered the area while exploring the forest and decided to make it their own. They named their club "Jardin" and took it upon themselves to care for the plants and animals that lived there. And because they were too lazy to join the "Sprout" club

As John and Thomas tended to the plants, a variety of birds, butterflies, bees, and even stray cats surrounded them. The peacefulness of the moment was palpable, and they didn't say anything, enjoying the beauty of nature around them.

Thomas smiled when John grabbed his earbuds to see what he was listening to, and it was Sweet Tooth by Cavetown. Thomas joked, "Who said you could grab my earbuds?" 

John replied, "Me, I did," and winked at him.

John looked at him curiously, "What are you doing? Who are you sending it to?" Jefferson, who was still watering the flowers, chimed in, "Just sent them to Alexander. He's on his way, and I'm leaving because I don't feel like being a third wheel." He walked away, leaving John alone and waiting for Alexander's arrival.

John sat up against a tree, feeling the warmth of the sun on his face and the soft rustling of leaves around him. Suddenly, he heard a photo being taken of him again, and his phone rang,

Alexander Hamilton, my name is Alexander Hamilton~

John smiled, a blush creeping up to his face as he picked up the phone, it was a photo of him, sitting on the ground up against a tree.

❤️Alex❤️: I see you

 He looked up, and there was Alexander, smiling at him. Alexander was wearing a blue vest with a black shirt underneath and black shorts.

"Guess we decided to switch colors. Is this the new place we want to hang out at? I'm fine with it, of course," Alexander asked, the blush on his face clear. Alex sat with John, and they held hands. John joked, 

"Alex, relax, have a drink with me," holding up an imaginary glass. Alexander didn't move, and the blush on his face rose. "Alex come on, raise a glass," John urged him, but Alexander still didn't move. John sighed, removing his hand from Alexander's.

Alexander tried to grab John's hand back, but John moved his hand away. "Jeg elsker dig, John, please just give me your hand," Alexander reached for John's hand again to be met with grass.

"Jeg elsker dig, you too? Don't make me get Google Translate," John asked, trying not to butcher the words up curiously, dodging Alexander's attempts to grab his hands.

"Honning, please," groaned Alexander, as he finally reached John's hand, pulling him down on the grass, putting their backs up against a tree again. Alexander put his head on John's shoulder and sighed softly.

"Honning? Are you calling me honey in a different language?" John asked, as he saw the blush rise on Alexander's face, he knew he was right. "Oh my god! Lexi, you're calling me honey in a different language! What language so I can understand you with Google Translate!"

"I'm speaking Danish and Lexi?" Alexander said, trying to hide his face.

"What did you say again? Jeg elsker dig, right? How would you type that?" John asked Alex more questions, Alexander stayed silent, removing his hand away from John's. 

John grabbed Alexander's hand again, pulling him into a warm embrace. "You don't have to tell me, Lexi. I just wanna know so I can speak to you like that. What if you're saying how you want me dead or something? I wouldn't know-" John stopped talking and looked at Alexander, as Alexander looked at him. 

"Alex, I think I..." The words were on the tip of his tongue if he could speak if his words would let him. "I..."

Yes, I left you on a cliffhanger, no I don't care, What will John say? Find out in the next episode that, there is no name, I'm just letting you guys soak in that you don't know what will happen, I know. But you guys don't, >:)

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