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TW: Boy x boy, kissing, mentions of death of an animal, and Francis.

Saturday 6:56 A.M.

"So, you kissed him?" Thomas Jefferson said, taking John's hair out of a ponytail, grabbing the hair tie, and putting it on his wrist.

"Multiple times," John said sighing, "It was in the moment, I just, god I don't know what I was thinking" John looked at the birds in that cage. He felt trapped, didn't know what to do, was in love with Alexander, and had just kissed Francis, his ex, who does that?

"It's not like you and Hamilton are dating, so it's fine to be in love with others, is it okay that that person is someone who manipulated you and made you feel bad about yourself and ruined your self-esteem? I wouldn't date him, but that's you, John." Thomas said putting John's hair back into a ponytail.

"Love the passive-aggressiveness in your voice Thomas, and just say Alexander, you don't need to say, Hamilton, I know you are not on a first-name-basis with him, but you could at least say, Alexander Hamilton," John said rolling his eyes,

"Not eavesdropping but, you kissed Francis? "James Madison said, appearing from Thomas and his dorm.

"Jammy, I thought you were sick?" Thomas said, the concern in his voice very clear.

"I am what do you mean?" James said putting his face into his arms, coughing. "I'm sick, and I didn't say that because I wanted to spend time with you, make you stay home to take care of me, what? That's insane that you would ever think of that." James said smiling softly at Thomas.

"So you're the reason Jefferson wasn't at lunch," John said jokingly,

He got up and started to walk to his dorm, well tried to "John, don't walk out on me, tell me what happened, spill the tea," James said jokingly, before sitting down next to Thomas, putting his head on his lap, he looked at John and waited for him to speak.

John sat back down on the couch, Thomas's dog quickly made his way to John's lap. John rubbed the dog's neck and he almost started crying, it reminded him a lot of his turtle. He wasn't dead, but he could've been, John almost lost him.

"Okay, fine I'll tell you," John said smiling.

~Time skip~

John looked at Alexander and smiled, a blush running across his face "Hey Alexander," John said before sitting next to him. "You okay? You look like you haven't slept in days. John said looking at Alexander, bags were under his eyes his fingers were typing away at his computer, and coffee was in his hands.

"So, you know the whole Francis thing right? I wrote you fifty-one essays, all you need to do is just give me evidence." Alexander said sipping the coffee in his hands before putting it back down. Grabbing stacks of paper from his backpack, and putting it in front of John before smiling sweetly.

"Alex, I mean Alexander, I just don't think you needed to do this, thank you so much, I mean I'll try and use it. But, crap, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to waste your time, how long did it take you to do that? I can try and work for it if you want, do you need money? I'm so sorry," John said freaking out.

"Hear me out," Alexander said smiling, putting the papers near John.

"No way!" John said whisper shouting pushing the papers back

"A series of essays, anonymously published defending you and your turtle to the public," Alexander said smiling, pushing them back to John.

"Alexander, John, could you stop talking in my class? Next time I hear you two, it will be a detention, also what is this paper for? I wish you would spend more time on your homework than this useless junk." The teacher said grabbing the stack of papers and putting them on his desk. "Okay, let us all start working on the homework that is due tomorrow"

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