
54 5 148

TW: Kissing, Francis, turtles, and mentions of being cut off by one's parents

The new ship, you guys will like this one I promise

Tuesday: 10:27 PM (Yes, it's still the same day) 

The atmosphere at the aquarium was serene as Samuel stood there, staring at the turtle tank. After a moment of contemplation, he gently picked up one of the turtles and placed it into a box. In a soft voice, Samuel spoke to the little creature and said, "Let's get you into my dorm, little guy." 

As he made his way out of the aquarium, Samuel's mind wandered to the recent events that had taken place in his life.

It was an unusual task for him, but he felt a sense of responsibility towards the little turtle, John, who normally would have closed up the shop, had left early to go on a date with Alexander, leaving Samuel alone to take care of the aquarium.

Samuel's mind wanders, thinking about the unlikely relationship between John and Alexander. Samuel had seen the chemistry between them from the moment they met, but he couldn't help but wonder when this chapter of their lives had begun. How had he missed it? 

Maybe he should've read between the lines and seen the glances they gave each other.

With that thought, he realizes he's alone in the aquarium with only the turtle in the box for company.

He remembers how he came to be caring for John's turtle. After the incident between John and Francis, Samuel stepped in to help and even purchased a tank. It was something he had wanted for himself anyway, He had always wanted a fish, but it was nice to know that his money went toward helping someone else. 

Samuel leaves the aquarium, and the chill breeze hits his face softly. He wraps his scarf around his neck, feeling the warmth of the fabric against his skin, and momentarily forgets his problems. However, his peace is short-lived when he realizes he has forgotten to call a taxi to take him home.

George, his boyfriend, was out of town with his mother, so he couldn't ride with him. Samuel regretted not joining them on their trip.

Suddenly, a dark shadowy figure steps out of the darkness and confronts him.

"Well, well, well. Who do we have here? What's a pretty guy like you doing alone at this hour?" the figure shouted from the dark, taunting Samuel. The man's voice was confident, and his shadowy figure looked intimidating. Samuel was startled, and he shifted uncomfortably.

Samuel responds with a witty comeback, "I didn't know Wells could talk. Maybe it's just my mind playing tricks on me," He retorted trying to brush off the situation, feeling uneasy, trying to shift away from the figure. But the figure persisted.

But his confidence disappears when the shadowy figure steps into the light, and Samuel's heart skips a beat.

It was Francis the same person who had caused trouble for 

Samuel's heart races as he wonders how Francis had found him and whether he had been following him. He quickly texts an Uber, hoping to get out of there as soon as possible.

 What was Francis doing here? How did he get here? Was he following him? "What do you want, Francis?" Samuel spat out, checking the app. I hope to get home as soon as possible. 

"Remember that old fling we had in high school? I was wondering if you would want to, I don't know, maybe give me a second chance?" Francis said, walking toward Samuel.  

"I have a boyfriend. And not to mention, that old fling was you trying to make a move on me while you were dating John!" Samuel shouted, getting defensive. Samuel checked the price to get to the college, but it was too expensive. 

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