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TW: Justin Bieber slander, crying, cursing, and mentions of Francis.

Wednesday: 7:38 AM

Thomas hummed softly, tapping his fingers on the steering wheel as he drove down the street with John

The leather texture of the steering wheel felt rough and rugged against his fingertips. The cool breeze hit his face as they drove with the windows down. John sat beside him, enjoying the ride and the scenery.

A rainbow flag hung gracefully on the rearview mirror, swaying here and there with a few turns. It was an air freshener that John had given Thomas when he came out to him.

"Where are we?" John asked as they drove down the unfamiliar street,

"Took a wrong turn," Thomas said calmly, trying to make a U-turn.

John gripped the car's door handle meekly, making sure it was unlocked.

The car stopped, why did the car stop?

John looked at Thomas before taking a deep breath and letting go of the handle.

Thomas noticed John's expression and smiled at him, his eyes scrunching up at the corners. John returned the smile, his expression brightening up.

Thomas's face lit up with delight when he saw what was in front of them. "It's a playground!" he exclaimed, jumping out of the car.

John opened his door before Thomas could and followed him to the playground. It was an open playground, likely for the kids of the neighborhood, and it was like most playgrounds.

The bonded rubber mulch provided a soft landing for the kids. The seesaw was bright and colorful, and the swing set was perfect for two people.

The monkey bars were sturdy, and the merry-go-round was fun to ride. The big jungle gym was perfect for climbing and exploring.

Thomas grabbed John's hand, dashing to the playground. John shouted quietly, "Thomas wait! This is trespassing!" John warned.

Thomas reasoned with him, "Come on, it's an open playground. They would have bars around it if they didn't want people on it."

John argued, "Bars in a playground? Yeah sure, make the kids feel like they're in prison."

Thomas begged, "Please, John?"

'Stop it, you're being clingy' the tiny voice in Thomas's head told him

John let out a sigh before looking at Thomas and letting a smile creep in. "Last one to the swing set loses!" he challenged Thomas.

John ran to the swing set, feeling the cold breeze flowing through his hair, trying to catch up to Thomas.

They both reached the swing set at the same time, both boys out of breath. "Damn it, tie," Thomas breathed out, attempting to catch his breath.

Thomas chuckled, sitting down on the swing set beside John. John grabbed the chain to the swing set and sat down as well.

They both enjoyed the silence for a few moments, feeling the cold breeze hitting their faces. Thomas said, "You know that's the 85th time, we tied."

John playfully replied, "Yeah yeah, and you've won 83 times, shut the fuck up," before kicking the ground, creating some momentum for himself.

Thomas joked, "You come in at 27, No need to be jealous, I'm just better," and kicked off as well, syncing up to John's swinging.

The two swung in silence for a while, enjoying the cold breeze hitting their faces.

After a few moments, John released a sigh, stopping himself from swinging, and looking at his phone with a melancholy smile.

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