
95 4 660

TW: Cussing, Francis, Mention of an eating disorder, bad thoughts, and homophobia 

New angst chapter, and a long one that doesn't light up at drumroll, please!

3606 words!!!

Wednesday: 6:42 AM

The morning had just begun, and the sun was slowly peeking through the trees that surrounded the campus. 

The winter season had settled in, but unlike most places, there wasn't any snow in South Carolina.

So, some of the trees weren't bare, and the air was chilly, but the sun still managed to shine bright, bringing a glimmer of warmth to the day. 

James and Thomas were walking hand in hand, their fingers laced together, trying to keep their other hands warm inside their pockets. Feeling the warmth of the sun on their skin. 

Alexander was following behind them, his arms crossed tightly over his chest, shivering slightly, wrapped in John's jacket, his eyes cast downward. 

Thomas and Alexander had a frienemy relationship, sometimes getting along, but other times, their disagreements would lead to heated arguments. 

James would always try to keep the peace, but it wasn't always easy.

As they walked, Alexander suddenly spoke up, his voice breaking the silence, "You know, I actually prefer the winter season. No bugs, no sweat, no humidity. It's perfect."

Thomas rolled his eyes, "Yeah, except for the fact that we can't even go outside without freezing our asses off."

James chuckled softly, "I have to agree with Thomas on this one. I prefer the warmth of the sun on my skin."

Alexander shrugged, "You always agree with Thomas, but suit yourself. I'd rather be cold than hot any day."

As they continued walking, they passed by a group of students playing frisbee on the grass. James couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy, wishing that he could be carefree and happy like them.

Why was he stuck with this stupid eating disorder?

Thomas noticed his sadness and squeezed his hand gently, "Hey, don't worry about them. We have each other, and that's all that matters."

James smiled weakly, feeling grateful for Thomas's kind words. As James looked at Thomas's hand, he couldn't help but be struck by its beauty. 

It was smooth and delicate, with long slender fingers that felt perfect in his grip. Thomas was perfect, always perfect, and James couldn't help but feel inadequate in comparison.

Negative thoughts started to swarm in his mind, but they all vanished when he felt a slight squeeze from Thomas's hand. 

Thomas nudged him gently with his elbow and whispered, "You know what Jemmy?" 

James turned to look at him, trying his best to hold back his tears. "Yes?" 

"You look amazing today," Thomas said softly, "not that you don't always look amazing, but just if we weren't in public right now-" 

Before he could finish his sentence, Alexander interrupted him with a disgusted look on his face, "I don't need to hear that, please, do that in your free time." 

Thomas flinched at the sudden noise and turned around to face the short man, his expression filled with anger. "I'm sorry, Alexander, but this is none of your business," he said through gritted teeth. 

"Whatever, I don't care," Alexander shot back, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "I'm just saying, keep it PG-13, okay?"

The three of them stopped moving, and their eyes locked in a silent battle. James tightened his grip on Thomas's hand, feeling his heart breaking into a million pieces. 

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