5~Garden party~5

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Picnic Time~

TW: Boy x Boy & Homophobia

John lounged on the sturdy branch of an enormous oak tree, surrounded by a verdant forest. The rough bark of the tree trunk supported his back as he sat, with a picnic basket by his side. He wore a cozy ensemble, consisting of a long-sleeved blue turtleneck and black overalls, complete with blue Converses. Jefferson had painted his nails in an attractive shade of dark blue, which John found appealing. 

Wildlife surrounded him, with birds chirping, squirrels scampering, and butterflies fluttering around him. John anxiously awaited Alexander's arrival, hoping he wouldn't cancel their picnic date. However, he feared Alexander might have forgotten or changed his mind about the outing.

 Suddenly, John heard footsteps approaching, and Alexander emerged, slightly out of breath, "John I'm so sorry for being late, I wanted to grab stuff to make the place look nice, and then Lafayette wouldn't leave me alone about the best outfit, and then he somehow made Hercules pick and make me go shopping for an outfit, and then when they did that Lafayette did my hair. While Hercules got things for because a normal picnic blanket wouldn't work- Oh, he's not here yet,"  Alexander said looking around for John, was it a bit rude that John was technically hiding from him? No, not really. 

Alexander sat down on the lush green grass, feeling the cool breeze against his face. John, perched atop a nearby tree, watched him silently. Alexander pulled out his phone, scrolling through his messages absentmindedly. Suddenly, his phone buzzed, and he saw a photo of himself, sent by John.

John: I see you

The text read. Alexander looked around, puzzled. He couldn't spot John anywhere. "Up here, Alexander," John's voice came from above. Alexander craned his neck to see John descending from the tree. John handed Alexander a picnic basket and then looked at him inquisitively. "So, I wasn't sure if you wanted to sit on the ground or not, or if you wanted to eat on the ground. I brought lights just to be sure. I didn't know if we were going to be here for a long time,"

John turned to gaze upon Alexander, who looked resplendent in his green vest with buttons, black long-sleeved shirt with buttons on the cuffs, black pants, and dark green shoes. His round glasses and tousled hair added to the charm of his appearance, which John found irresistible. "Wow, you look amazing," 

John exclaimed, admiring Alexander from head to toe. Alexander grinned, looking slightly bashful as he replied, "Thanks, John." 

Alexander set down a box and another bag, and John closed his eyes in anticipation of what was to come. When he opened them again, he beheld the stunning picnic setting that Alexander had created. A light purple blanket was spread out on the ground, with pastel pillows arranged on top. In the center sat a small wooden tray, holding fake candle flames that flickered in the breeze. John couldn't help but feel a bit embarrassed by his contribution to the picnic, which now seemed plain in comparison. "Well, put my food to shame then," he said with a laugh, in awe of Alexander's efforts.

John took a deep breath, trying to calm his nerves. He was uncomfortable in the place but didn't want to ruin the moment. "I'm good with sitting on the ground, Alex. I'm fine with whatever you want to do, of course," John said, trying to sound calm. Before freezing up, he put his food down on the tray, and some on the grass. "Wait, do you want me to put the food on here? I can move it if it messes up the design you were going for," John said, feeling anxious. He was worried that

Alexander might hate him for ruining the setup. John was about to grab the food, but Alexander stopped him. "John, it looks nice. I didn't know that you were a good cook. This looks delicious," Alexander said, smiling. John let out a sigh of relief, feeling grateful for Alexander's kind words.

As John sat down to enjoy his picnic, he noticed several birds, butterflies, and dragonflies flying around him. However, he was surprised to find that these creatures did not approach the food or disrupt his meal. Instead, they perched themselves on John's shoulders and arms, as if they felt safe and comfortable around him. John noticed this and couldn't help but feel a sense of joy and appreciation for the beauty of nature. Alexander, who was sharing the picnic with John, noticed the same thing and commented on it. 

"You know what I like about you, John? You just have this relaxing vibe," he said, taking a bite of the food. "Sure, you're reckless, and I don't know how you managed to get the picnic basket up there without breaking your bones, but I just feel so relaxed when I'm near you."

"You know what I hate about you, John? You just, have all of this power and you waste it! You have money, fame, and women for days, yet you chose to date a dude? I just it's not adding up!"

John almost flinched at the memory, this is why he hated this stupid place and how he just felt out of touch whenever he entered this place. 

"Thanks, Alexander. You know what I like about you? How curious you are. You never fail to amaze me with the questions you ask. Like yesterday, you asked so many questions about the animals there. I just felt so happy because nobody asked those questions before. I could just tell you everything I knew, and to you, it was just an amazing, brilliant, and well-thought-out answer." John said, blushing at the way he said it. Why is having a crush so hard?

"Please, call me Alex. And for once, maybe give a dude a warning before you go all poetic on him? I'm normally the one who has everything to say. When I ask questions, people just think that I'm annoying. So it's nice to know you're not one of them," Alexander said, looking at John with a smile on his face. His face was a little red, well, it's cold out here. 

They spent the rest of the evening eating, talking, and laughing, enjoying each other's company as the sun slowly set. John couldn't help but feel a sense of peace wash over him as he looked out at the beautiful scenery around him, feeling grateful for this moment with Alexander. As the lessened, Alexander sat back and looked up at the stars. 

"You know, John, I've always loved the stars. They're beautiful, and they remind me of how small we are in the grand scheme of things, you remind me of the stars, you know? Your freckles splatted all over your face" he said, his voice soft and contemplative. 

John looked up at the stars too, feeling a sense of wonder as he gazed at the vast expanse of the night sky. "Yeah, they are beautiful. And they make me feel connected to something bigger than myself," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. 

They sat in silence for a few moments, just enjoying the beauty around them. John couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth wash over him as he looked at Alexander, feeling grateful for his presence in his life. John and Alexander's conversation continued late into the evening, the sound of their laughter mixing with the chirping of the crickets.

 As they finished their meal, they packed up the picnic basket and blankets, leaving the place as they had found it. As they walked back to Alexander's apartment, they talked about their shared interests and hobbies. Alexander shared his love for history and politics, while John talked about his passion for animals and nature. 

They found that they had much in common and enjoyed each other's company. When they arrived at the apartment, Alexander invited John in for a cup of tea. They sat on the couch, sipping their drinks and talking about their plans. John expressed his desire to travel and explore new places, while Alexander talked about his aspirations to become a lawyer. 

As the night wore on, they both realized that they didn't want the evening to end. They made plans to meet again soon. John felt a sense of warmth and happiness in his heart, knowing that he had found a kindred spirit in Alexander. And as John left, Alexander couldn't help but smile, excited about what the future held for them.

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