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TW: Implied sex, toxic relationship, blood, yelling, mentions of suicide, fights, mentions of self-harm, Charles Lee, Francis, AND Henry Laurens (John's father) being horrible, use of the middle finger, homophobia, making fun of suicide, telling someone to commit suicide, and cursing. (Court_joker you asked for it,) 

Play the song above, it matches with the mood, kind of.

Monday: 5:29 A.M.

John woke up, his body in pain, and his eyes were red from all the crying, he looked at the front door and tried his best not to cry. This was his fault why did he have to be so easy to manipulate? A ring from his phone interrupted his thoughts of sadness, 

Alexander Hamilton, my name is Alexander Hamilton~

"Who are you texting?" Francis asked,

"I wasn't texting anybody Fran, somebody texted me, maybe if hadn't made me leave the party earlier then we wouldn't have this problem," John said before putting his clothes back on, not wanting to see the things Francis did to him.

Francis grabbed John's arm harshly, pulling him back down on the bed with him "Ouch, you are hurting me," John said, pulling his arm away from Francis.

"Who do you think you talking to?" snarled Francis, John just got up and put his shoes on and grabbed his hair tie putting his hair up again. "Answer me!" Francis shouted at John, John was too tired to be scared or flinch, he was fed up with Francis's shit, all of the things that he had done to him.

All the horrible things that Francis made him think, everything he made him do, he made him feel horrible about himself. He did nothing but pick out his insecurities, and then claimed to love him when he saw that John had relapsed, he didn't try and help him, he just said 'You're too pretty to be doing this kind of thing, Johnny'.

"We both know dam well I'm talking to you." John shot back, looking Francis dead in the eye, balling up his fist, and walking toward the door before stopping when he saw how Francis sat up. "Don't get your dick in a twist, I'll be back, still, fuck you," swore John, as he flipped Francis off slamming the door shut.

John walked slowly back to his dorm room, his eyes fixed on Thomas and James who were snuggled up on the couch, tears streaming down their faces. He felt a pang of sympathy and wondered what could have caused their distress. As he entered his room, he felt a sense of relief that he could finally escape the tension in the other room. He quickly took off his clothes and stepped into the shower, letting the water pour over his body, washing away the stress of the day.

After his shower, John changed into a rainbow-striped long-sleeved top and plain white collar, paired with black pants. As he was about to leave his room, he noticed his pet turtle, which he knew he couldn't keep in his dorm room for fear of being discovered and punished. "I can't keep you here, buddy. You'll be safer with Samuel," he whispered to the turtle, gently picking it up. However, as John was walking to Samuel's room, he was stopped by Charles Lee, "Hey Johnny," Lee said, his voice dripping with mockery.

"Leave me alone," John said, pushing past Lee and shoving him into the wall.

Lee looked at him with disgust on his face, "You're such a coward, Johnny. Always running away from your problems." Charles looked at John, and saw the glare John gave him, "What's wrong Johnny? Pissed because you can't see your mommy?" Lee said mocking John, "How about you go join her, kill yourself, just like your pathetic excuse for a mother did, Johnny," Charles Lee said, in a laughing tone 

John felt a surge of anger and pushed Lee back, causing him to stumble. "I'm not running away from anything. You're the one who's always picking on people and making fun of them. It's not funny, Charles. It's cruel, and I'm pissed because you think that it's funny to pick on others, I'm pissed that you make fun of my mother's suicide like it's nothing, you don't care for anybody's feelings but your own," John scoffed, the tension in the school hallway was clear. The crowd chanted, slowly chanting "Fight! Fight! Fight!", their voices echoing through the hallway.

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